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    Word art Essay

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    I have designed a logo that can be used so Cogan Coronation club can be easily recognised, but also to portray the club as a professional, efficient organisation. The logo can be used on documents and in advertising etc., as people will see it and it will become familiar to it, hence, providing a better image of the club. My initial ideas have developed and changed through the course of designing the logo; therefore I have shown the progression by doing three drafts of the badge.

    DRAFT ONE: I began designing my logo by firstly researching and browsing for appropriate pictures that relate to the club and could be used to create a badge. The first draft contains a picture of a football with a map of Wales that has been placed on it, which have been collected from the Internet. I chose these pictures because the football relates to the type of club that Cogan is and the map of Wales relates to the Country.

    I then placed a piece of ‘word art’ into the badge, which stated the name of the club and what type of club it was: Cogan Coronation AFC (Athletic Football Club). I chose a font style that would be clear and fitted the writing around the edge of the football in an arched/curved shape. I thought the logo was lacking something so I put another piece of ‘word art’ onto the football stating when the club was established (1960) and finished it off with two small ‘clipart’ footballs that are situated either side of the main badge. I set the image control of the footballs to ‘watermark’, so that they wouldn’t be too striking.

    DRAFT TWO: Although I had the main logo designed, I felt that subtle changes needed to be made in order to make it look slightly more professional. The main change was the colour scheme. Initially, in my ‘word art’ I had just used a dull black so to make the logo more unique to the club, I decided to use the club colours: blue and white. I gave the ‘word art’ a striped effect, which, I thought, added to the look of the badge. I then looked at my logo again and came to the conclusion that the little footballs at the edge weren’t as noticeable as I would have liked, so I changed them back to their automatic colour. To do this I went back to image control and set the pictures to ‘automatic’ – this allowed the logo to look good without looking unprofessional.

    DRAFT THREE: On the third draft of the new club logo, I finished it off to make it look complete and professional, which is what the club needed. I thought that the logo looked a bit bare so I chose to add another little picture. I found a Welsh dragon on the Internet and pasted it onto the badge, which I thought made it look of a better standard. To add a final touch to the clubs new logo, I added a pattern around the top curve of the logo. This was also done in blue and white so that it linked to the colour scheme of the club.

    I arched this pattern around the top of the logo so that it fitted in alongside the bottom arched ‘word art’. When I had done this, the badge was complete and a new logo had been created for Cogan Coronation, allowing the club to be recognised as a professional organisation. I also made sure that I ‘grouped’ the logo. This would allow me to paste the logo onto future documents easily, without being awkward. I could transfer the whole logo rather than just a bit at a time. After a right click on the mouse, this is what I did: This is a simple process, but time saving. If, however you want to go back and modify the logo, clicking on ‘ungroup’, which lies directly under ‘group’, can easily reverse it.

    I have designed a club business card that is recognisable and can be used to promote the club. It gives the details of the club and can be distributed to those who need to be in contact with the club (e.g. other football teams). This business card will be good for the club, making it look professional and allowing people to organise events, matches etc. at the club. Once again, I have produced three drafts of the card as ideas have changed and developments have been made in the process of producing a high quality, professional business card.

    DRAFT ONE: The first draft of the clubs new business card is simple but effective as it clearly states the clubs details, allowing a person to gain easy contact with the club when necessary. At the top of the card and down the left hand side I have placed some ‘word art’. It states the name of the club (Cogan Coronation) and the type of club that it is (AFC). I have kept to the club colours for this in order for all the club documents to remain in the same colour scheme and link together.

    I have also put a shadow on the ‘word art’ to make it more effective. The next thing I did was to copy and paste the clubs new logo onto the card as this makes it look professional and that is the image the club wants. All I had to do then was add the clubs details. I put in the location of the club, followed by e-mail for the club secretary and then the club telephone number. The e-mail address and telephone number were blue because it made the card look more organised. I also had a thin border running along the inside line of the card. It was just a thin grey line, but completed the first draft of the card.

    DRAFT TWO: There were a few major changes made to the second copy of the business card because I felt that the first draft lacked professionalism. I changed the layout of the card to make it look better. I kept the ‘word art’ in the same position; however, I swapped the details around by putting ‘Cogan Coronation’ down the left hand side and ‘AFC’ across the top. By doing this, it allowed me space in the top right corner in which, to move and place the club logo. I felt that it looked better when laid out like this. I placed small pictures of footballs around the edge of the card for decorative purposes along with an Internet image of the Welsh flag. I changed the image control of the image and set it to watermark so that it could be seen, but the details could be clearly read and it didn’t look unprofessional.

    DRAFT THREE: To improve the clubs business card for the final time, I firstly changed the layout of the clubs details. I took out the words ‘E-mail’ and ‘Tel’, but replaced them with little symbols that represent them. I think that this gives a professional look to the card. I then changed the font to ‘italic’ because I preferred it like this. I moved these details over slightly along with the ‘word art’ at the top (AFC) in order to make a little bit of room for my final change. I found a picture that I thought would look good in the background of a business card, but because it wasn’t available to me on the computer, I had to scan it in. When I had done this, I was able to manipulate the picture until it looked the way I wanted it to look. I cut the Welsh dragon down to size and modified the image control to watermark before placing it behind the text and ‘word art’ on my card. I then analysed it and decided that no more changes were necessary because it was now complete.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Word art Essay. (2017, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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