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    Implementing Design in Microsoft word Essay

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    From looking at Version 1 of my publication you can see how the Design section of this project is being used. I chose design 3 in my designing section and in this sketch I used circular frames for the pictures rather than the normal square or rectangular shapes. In Version 1 you will see evidence of this idea. The picture on the second page was originally in a square frame. I found this by clicking on the Insert menu, and then Picture and then by clicking on Clip Art. I then clicked on the Find button to look for a suitable picture for my publication. I typed in Drama as this is about a performing arts school/college.

    The file came up with many pictures including those on the front and the centre of Version 1. After inserting the pictures and positioning them, I clicked on the one on page two-three and pressed Copy button which has a picture of two sheets of paper. I then minimised the document and opened another file to paste my picture into. I then selected the picture and drew a circular shape around it and then pressed Crop.

    After doing this, I now had a circular picture rather than a square one and I Cut and Pasted this new picture into my publication and positioned how I liked. The picture on the front page was inserted and then resized to fit the page. This was done easily by selecting the picture and placing the cursor on a corner of its frame until an arrow appeared. I then clicked here and dragged the edge of the frame until the picture was the appropriate size. I also made a few ruff decisions as to whereabouts I wanted text, pictures, and graphs, although I knew that these would be changed as my ideas developed.

    As you can see on Version 2, the printer ran out of toner, and this is why the print out looks as it does. You will also be able to see on the front cover where I have decided to put the text boxes for the header and title. (You can also see this inside the publication.) Two of the boxes have been left blank the others have been filled in with colour (at the moment the print out is in black and white but the final product will be printed in colour). ON the inside you will see that I have outlined the centre picture with a black line, this is just to make it more eye catching.

    Version 3: Here you will see that I have begun to fill in the text boxes although I have not yet thought of a name for the performing arts school and so this area has been left blank. On the centre page I have written the title and have begun to write some information about the performing arts school. You will also notice that I have added another picture into my publication. I found this on the eastenders @ BBC website, which I then Copied and Pasted onto my publication.

    Again the picture was originally rectangular and when I put it into my publication I decided to Cut and Paste it into another file, allowing me to Crop it and Paste it back into my publication as you now see it. You will see that I have added a sub header at the top of the right hand side of the page and that I have deleted the one on the left-hand side to allow space for more text. On the back page of the publication you will find a circular frame which was placed here in case I decided to put a picture here.

    Moving on the Version 4, I have decided on a name for the school and have typed it into the text frame on the front cover. I have also changed the format of my publication from 4 pages to 8. This has caused some problems on the print outs as you will see, but this will be sorted out for my final product. As you can see I have put the writing on the second page into columns and have created space for the columns on the following pages for Music and Dance. I have also produced a graph in Microsoft Excel and Pasted it into my publication. Typing in my data, highlighting the figures and pressing the graph symbol on the menu bar allowed me to do this.

    I then chose which graph I wanted to use and typed in the relevant details such as title, name of x axis, and name of y axis and produced it as part of sheet 1. I then selected the graph and pressed Cut and then Pasted it into Publisher. Here I had to resize it so it would fit into my publication, and then I moved it into the appropriate place. On the new pages made for Music and Dance, I have put a picture, which has been framed with a circular shape. I did not change the shape of the actual picture; I merely drew a circular frame around it.

    Version 5 as you will see has had a few changes made to it since version 4. I have produced this on my home computer, therefore allowing me immediate access to a colour printer. As you can see I have chosen bold colours to attract the customers eye. This shows my original plan in the Identifying section. You will also notice the motif in the corners of each page, this was done simply as an addition to the rest of the publication for good presentation, which is always needed when advertising something. These were taken from clipart and re-sized to my liking. They were then positioned and rotated by going to the menu bar and finding the rotate button in Publisher. The picture in the centre of the page has also changed due to the change of computers, the updated version of Publisher did not have the same pictures as those at school, therefore I had to choose another picture that would be as effective. I feel that this does just that.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Implementing Design in Microsoft word Essay. (2017, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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