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    Why Culture Important in Our Life

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    Culture gives us knowledge of other people’s lives. It teaches us what language, religion, or what race we are. It defines a person by where they’re from, it gives information about that person’s personality, interests, and identity. Any Asian or African man or woman can easily be identified from their color or their face by just looking at them, they can still have different races in them.

    Culture is taught from around the world and plenty of schooling’s teach different religions, social groups, and races. In different countries, church can be taught a whole different way compared to the way church is taught here. In the church I use to go to when I was a kid it felt like an actual classroom in school, while the adults had to stay and listen to the preacher. Churches teach children about God or Jesus in a different way compared to adults.

    With kids, religion is taught through kid books, or activities so that they can have the knowledge about their religion in a fun way. With adults, religion is taught from the Bible and they go over the importance of the Bible. It’s important to know how people survive in different countries and to know their daily lives compared to our lives. Everyone has a different culture not everyone can speak different languages or worship different religions, everyone is unique in their own way.

    There are a lot of different languages spoke or taught around the world, culture can refer to music and art, plenty of different cultures make music and art about their religion. Many art is drawn out from the past, it portrays the life style of what they went through from the beginning. In my own time, I enjoy to draw or sketch out characters or places that I think is appealing to me. I also enjoy listening to music because most music I hear are relatable to me or I reflect on what the lyrics are about.

    I think that culture is important because it teaches us that everyone is different from each other. Culture is what made us where we are right now, different types of heritages come together and they build a society to get people together. In the past, a lot of people came together to build churches, monuments, and landmarks to make that place what it is today.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why Culture Important in Our Life. (2023, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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