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    The Role of Language in Everyday Life

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    We use language in the form of words every second, every minute of every day to communicate to one another. We start our day by saying “good morning” to our loved ones, family, friends, co-workers and, at times, even strangers. During breakfast, lunch, and dinner, if we are dining with another person, we may have a conversation. In order to have that conversation, most likely, we will require words to communicate back and forth. At the end of the day, we say “good night” before heading off to bed.

    The process will start all over again tomorrow, the day after and every day thereafter. Another great example of how spoken language is powerful is during the presidential campaign. The campaign speeches from both the Democratic and Republican parties had to be thought out and presented to the world for Americans to hear. This type of language is used to control and influence Americans into choosing who they would elect for president; it can make or break the election depending on which candidate you are rooting for.

    Language plays an important role in our daily lives because, whether the spoken language is for the greater good or for the worse, it is used to influence the thought of others. Although language is spoken endlessly, when used along with body language, it could mean so much more.

    Ever hear the saying “action speaks louder than words?” Body language, can go hand in hand with the spoken language to give more meaning to the words spoken. Let’s say for example, if a spouse just says “I love you.” to the other spouse, how much can those three little words express? To give more meaning to those words, body language plays its part by the spouse saying the words giving the spouse receiving the words a kiss on the cheek, or wherever they choose to place their kiss, to show that they mean it when they say “I love you.”

    Anyone can say those three words to anyone, but it can have a completely different meaning when used with body language. Besides showing affection with body language with spoken words, it can also be used solely to show how we feel. A classic example would be a student in a lecture class. The body language of a student who is bored or has little/no interest would be slouched in their desk and folded arms across their chest. Whereas, a student who shows potential/ full interest would be sitting straight with occasional nods showing their interest.

    Language plays an important role in our daily lives because it can be used as a means of controlling or shaping the thoughts of others. Spoken words and body language are two languages that definitely goes together and have a greater connection between them when used together. However, at the end of the day, whether we used only spoken words or only body language or both; we are expressing our thoughts and feelings one way or another using language.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Role of Language in Everyday Life. (2023, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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