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    Value of the Arts in Educational Experiences Essay

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    Due to budgetary and other issues arts programs have continuously been cut in many educational institutions. Describing in detail the arts as an area of knowledge what is the value of the arts in the educational experience? Due to several issues, especially budgetary, many art programs have been cut in educational institutions.

    This is because many institutions, when faced with economic problems tend to cut the expenses of art supplies that are required to sustain art programs offered at places such as schools in order to preserve funding for core classes and prevent staff layoff’* However, the arts are an important area of knowledge that holds several artistic forms such as music, theatre, dance, poetry, painting and photography. It is also a form of communication, as necessary as oral or written language that allows individuals to communicate with Other members Of our own species, and its part Of people’s culture.

    Art allows our emotions to be expressed, to capture the perception of reality and to teach or uplift the mind. That is Why by eliminating the arts in the educational experience we are withdrawing a valuable area of knowledge that should be required in all learning institutions. Educational institutions have rigid standards in reading and math, which they must achieve in order to receive federal funding and that results challenging to many districts causing them to cut their expenses for the area of the arts.

    Nevertheless, it must be taken into consideration that the arts is an area of knowledge that many argue to he valuable since it plays a fundamental role in classrooms where, many teachers use the arts to increase students’ interest in reading, writing and math by incorporating creative methods such as creating esters and making drawings that allows students to understand concepts in a more artistic and visual manner, In fact, each individual has a different strength and for instance, if an individual’s talent lies in art and the arts is cut from their educational institution in which they rely to learn from, that individual will lose out in developing and exploring their talent. However, it has also been argued that by limiting, and in many cases eliminating art from educational institutions, it has brought students to perform higher in SAT scores and that in schools the rubout rates decreased, since it has allowed students to focus on the core subjects of math and reading exclusively. The arts are an area Of knowledge that allows emotion to be expressed through symbols, colors and pictures, hence it can be said that art is also a tool for communication.

    By removing it from educational institutions we would be limiting possible alternatives for individuals to communicate their feelings. This is because the arts allow emotions, such those Of love, hate or fear, that seem impossible to place under words. To be expressed. Many people often turn to the arts when they feel something deep inside them that they can not express, part of this reason may be because ordinary language is sometimes incapable of capturing the complexity of individuals deepest feelings or emotions. (Richard van De Legitimate) Thus, art can be viewed as a pay to escape and liberate one self from that frustration they are going through, allowing individuals to make a sense Of the intensity Of their feelings by using a piece Of music, dance or poem.

    Hence, it is important that educational institutions issue art programs in order o encourage individuals to express themselves and communicate through a different mean rather than through words and written language. Art is also important due to the fact that it holds a connection With the ethics since it has a moral and educative role. This is said because art influences and provokes emotions that affect individuals’ behaviors and attitudes. For example, the movie Superman played a key role in a young man morals where it shaped many men’s views about how they feel regarded by society as manly individuals, ND thus many feel that they must keep up with that role-model that was presented to them through that movie.

    Now a day, Hollywood movies and stars might also influence our attitudes about what is considered good or bad, right or wrong, giving individuals different perspectives on things. (Richard van Hence, art can be interpreted as a moral provocation that makes individuals broaden their awareness, questioning them how they should think about themselves or their lives, By cutting art programs, like the study of films, bad influences might be avoided but more importantly, institutions would be imitating the possibility of having individuals be willing to question and reflect upon their own values and the different values that are being presented to them through this educative method of art.

    Art also allows individuals to learn and express their culture. Culture can be understood as the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements Of a particular nation, people, or other social groups. (Oxford Dictionary) Each culture holds their own form Of art that is also seen as a way Of communication. Gore instance, in Buenos Aries, Argentina, Tango was a cultural ballroom dance that as characterized by its unique marked rhythms, postures and abrupt pauses. It was a cultural dance that emerged from a lower class group en “La Boca” as a way of expressing their criticism about society’s corruption and the constant betrayal between woman and man that occurred during that time. Hence. Institutions by supplying art programs, allow students to learn about the arts in their culture and explore and represent them through music, dances, paintings and several other ways. It is essential to learn about culture and how it is expressed as a form f art that reflects and varies between different groups in society, regions and countries. However, some individuals regard art as invaluable since many argue that the arts are not necessary for a country’s survival and while the study and presentation might be a valuable part of culture, it isn’t an absolute necessity for the survival of a society. Arts programs are important since the early exposure to visual art, music, or drama promotes activity in the brain and helps children understand other subjects more clearly, varying from math to sciences and language arts.

    As suggested by Marries Meyer, art engages children in a process that helps them develop their confidence, self-discipline and motivation; it has them participate in activities that allow them to gain the necessary tools for the understanding of human experiences and to adapt to new ways of working and thinking, as well as communicating ideas and thoughts in a variety of ways. Poor instance, drawing doesn’t only provide the basis for other activities such as sculpting, painting and printmaking, but it also provides a direct link with reading. Writing and most significantly, mathematics. There is a clear connection between drawing and geometric shapes and measurements that can be seen in math. Hence, the knowledge area of art is significant in the educational experiences of individuals to learn and reflect their culture, to communicate emotions and feelings that can’t be expressed in words with symbols, images, and colors, as well as it facilitates the learning of other core subjects like math and reading.

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    Value of the Arts in Educational Experiences Essay. (2018, Aug 18). Retrieved from

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