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    Craft Essay

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    Art ärtn. · Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature. · The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium. Craft kr ft n. · Skill in doing or making something, as in the arts; proficiency. . To make by hand. · To make or construct something in a manner suggesting great care or ingenuity.

    Craft, the word has been with man for ages. There are unique mysteries in life that are usually provoking the true nature of reality, as us humans become aware of it. The genealogy of a man is equal to the idea that the term “craft” has evolved so beyond the understanding of the human mind. A skill in the form of an advanced, detailed, or progressive movement in the ability to perform with great skill in one view of behavioral science cannot be determined by meaning alone. It is a difficult word to be defined.

    The term craft I would mainly determine to be defined as the assemblage of objects that has some sort of interconnection to art, but it depends on the complexity of what is being built. After doing the many projects in class I have many different views on how craft is defined. A good example that would sort of involves both, primitive art and art deco in a small sense. Some of the African statues that are carved would have some geometric designs, which relates to the way in which the style of art deco slightly falls in is that would sometimes mean something in its own way.

    A person who could be making it for any kind of reason would usually make these sculptures by hand. Using his or her tools to be cutting into the material so that they can successfully make something with such craftsmanship, worth looking at. That is craft. Something like a fireplace with a few different color tiles that make a minor design, I deeply hesitate to call art or craft because of the fact that it seems to be so simple and isn’t really hand crafted completely. That is just one example of art deco.

    When you look at the way some of the different buildings interior is made, in terms of the sculptures, paintings and furniture you may have a completely different view in what you think in your mind. Whatever technique they use to build the items with the different combination of colors etc. makes the final product look alluring to the eye. But with a mind creative enough it can done by anyone. Which makes me conclude my own opinion that art deco is not a craft that requires much skill.

    Whether it is a plaster plate, a personal icon made of a cardboard tube, beading, or maybe even a mosaic pot. Art is to me the end result of an individual or a groups crafting. There are some numerous different ways of making crafts, and what we have covered in class is not a fraction of a percent of the contrasting types that is out there. Some people can have a tendency to take it more to heart then others, as well as get inspired from various kinds of things.

    Although some of the contrasting styles are old and ancient, the different styles are used across the world everywhere by the diverse artists that have a great competence in those areas. To people who have not yet fully explored the fundamentals of craft would not see most of the complexity that has to do with it. So they are not able to express their feelings and emotions through their work in what ever they may be making.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Craft Essay. (2018, Jun 11). Retrieved from

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