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    Thoughts Before Dying Essay (230 words)

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    Hunter Creed, a man of 24, looks out at the horizon ahead of him. He thinks of his life: his past, the present, and his future. He doesn”t feel any shame for what he has become, he actually feels a little tinge of satisfaction. But he can”t justify his actions, and that is what he focuses his thoughts on now. As he sits on top of the rock, his brown hair blowing from the force of gusts of wind, a paradox of thoughts races through his mind.

    He remembers a past where he was happy. He remembers the love he felt from the people around him, the various ways they encouraged him throughout his life to be a good man. He remembers how he left them behind for a future that he thought was brighter than the one they offered. Hunter now realizes how wrong he is, and sadness starts to well up inside of him. He knows that he is troubled.

    Getting up from the rock, he stands straight and tall. Rubbing his unshaven face, he knows what he is going to do. Looking out at the horizon, he whispers sorry, not directed at anyone in particular, then jumps into the void below. His broad, firm body, soars through the air and hits the water beneath. In his last glimpse of life, he relishes the feeling of purity.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Thoughts Before Dying Essay (230 words). (2018, Jun 11). Retrieved from

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