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    Baroque Music and Renaissance Period Essay

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    Who were the Poor Classes? Why is it somewhat surprising that they were accomplished musicians? They were nuns in the Catholic Church. Its was a surprise because they were nuns and wasn’t expected to be great musicians. What is a chanson? A song in French, or a French song. What is the song “Fine Knacks for Ladies” about? What type of song is it? It’s a poetic song. Knacks for Ladies is a madrigal – a poetic song. In it the singer presents himself as a humble peddler.

    Through the words to the song he argues eloquently that although his wares might seem superficially precious, they’re worthless compared to the honesty and loyalty of his heart. Which of the songs was composed by Franciscan Bossiness, or Francis of Bosnia’se maim per marginalia (If ever in wonder), was written by Franciscan Bossiness, or Francis of Bosnia. What is a lute? What is the history of the lute? When was the lute used? A plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front that is shaped like a halved egg.

    The lute is used in a great variety of instrumental music from the Medieval to the late Baroque eras and was the most important instrument for secular music in the Renaissance. What is a harpsichord? Where were these instruments often found? A keyboard instrument with horizontal strings that run perpendicular to the keyboard in a long tapering case and are plucked by points of quill, leather, or plastic operated by depressing the keys. It is used chiefly in European classical music of the 16th to 18th centuries. What is a notation knife?

    Knives with musical notes on the blade Many of the articles on the include a piece of artwork from the Renaissance period. How are music and art related? Do you think that the music of the period is reflected in the art of the period? Why or why not? Music and Art are related in that their both created by Artist or Creative people through inspiration either by nature or by your surroundings or a sudden or past event. Yes, music of the renaissance period was indeed reflected on the art. Like I said you can be inspired by surroundings. That’s including, Music.

    Of the different music files that you’ve heard from the Renaissance period, which one do you like the best? Why? Doј event cell, belle, I Just sounds like that old world upper class renaissance music. It has the grand palace vibe I guess. How does the music of the Renaissance did offer from music today? (Think about the elements of music like tone color, rhythm, melody and so on). Today’s music has changed so much that days, I think the reason is because of how much you can make on music today. The musicians didn’t have a care of becoming famous because they were more concerned about the art.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Baroque Music and Renaissance Period Essay. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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