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    Three Major Concept of Drawing Essay

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    According to dictionary, Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. There are a number of subcategories of drawing such as cartoons, monochromatic, color pencil drawing, and other types of drawings. More interesting fact about drawing through reading this book was that it did not come actually part of term art. Drawing was exist for the long time of the period and used as communication, but as times o by, all the people founded Old drawing, or the painting and started to invent the term drawing.

    Dodson was pointed out the drawing as the three major concept as Structures. First he pointed out that Looking, holding, and drawing a line is very important. And absolutely agree the way that he describes the basic ideas was totally the lesson that learned during drawing class. The way that look at the objects and the way that holding (or controlling you r pencil or charcoal) and the way that use different style of lines to shade or draw shape as absolutely good point. Second point is about the tones, layout, perspective and artistry.

    Reading his work and see his example of drawing was absolutely including different types of shading tones, and layout. For my case I am still struggle with the way that control the tone of the pencil. It is really hard for me to deal with it before first semester started, but after I took drawing class I started to understand the value and the layout (such as the negative perspective and he positive perspective,) also the way that present composition was another big idea that learned.

    It is very important for the drawing especially to show clear presentation with illustration of the purpose, Lastly, he pointed about the media. Drawing is not just about using pencil to draw. It’s true that all the art works foundation is drawing, but not the media. Especially we see a lot of different art styles, and drawing categories. They are all using different tools, papers and the technique.

    One thing was not very happy about Dodson was that he did not clearly pointed out about why drawing is so important, and how much important drawing is. But same time did understand, even though he did not point out all the people knows that art is based on drawing. Again through this book I realized that drawing is was not just simple art term. It makes me think that drawing is the father other all different types of art work. Because it is definitely foundation of every artwork as what learned and what Dodson pointed out.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Three Major Concept of Drawing Essay. (2018, May 22). Retrieved from

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