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    What Is Art Analysis Essay (314 words)

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    Art is something that has great value to many people. Art is everywhere. It lives in the soul, mind and even the heart. Art is an outlet for people to express themselves. Art is a way for the human mind to express itself. It is a form of expression. There are many different ways to explain how art is created. First of all, art is classified as paintings, drawings, architecture, ext… Art can also be dancing, singing, And acting. It can be anything that expresses an idea. Art surrounds us. It is encountered so often that often we don’t realize art when we see it.

    Anyone can look at art and say ” Wow! That’s so beautiful to me. Art is around to teach us . We can learn so much about ourselves and the world by viewing art. Many times we create art without a reason. We believe that we are just making a pretty picture. Often We us art to express our feelings . Every has some feeling or thought that they wish to express but they Are afraid to do so. Art is seen as a opportunitiy for people to express themselves about their life. Some people learn better visually than audibly. For these people, creating art will help ideas become

    Clearer because they can visually see something. Art is a important part of modern society. Without art We would not know as much about our history as we do today and the beauty of life. In todays society people are worried about reputation. Art allows a person to express themselves Without being punished socially. Art relieves a lot of tension in the world. It is a way for people to express their anger and their emotions. Art is a way of life for people to express themselves . Therefore, art is a form of idea, expression, beauty, and how it surrounds our life today.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What Is Art Analysis Essay (314 words). (2018, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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