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    The Next Step to Healthcare Reform Under the Administration of Newly Elected President, Donald Trump

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    The newly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, has already proposed many ideas of how to better our country. One of them, which includes a new and improved health care system, has caused a lot of controversy among our country. Donald Trump’s health care plan includes repealing Obama care, breaking down state barriers, deducting insurance payments, tax free health savings accounts, price breakdown on treatments, handling Medicaid on a per state basis, and finally, allowing safe imported drugs from overseas. While further analyzing the new President’s health care reform proposal, it was clear to the eye that the largest impact of his health care system was going to be the complete repeal of the affordable care act.

    Our previous President, Barrack Obama, created a health care plan, called the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” in hopes to establish a more unified health care system by offering more affordable choices to those without insurance and those who dislike their current plans. Obamacare provides other helpful things for people, such as providing incentives, like tax breaks to small businesses, so that they can cover their employees. The main controversy over this plan, however, is that it tremendously raises the amount of money the middle class has to spend on health insurance. This plan also greatly raises the middle class’s taxes. Since the vast majority of the United States is consisted of primarily the middle class, Obamacare has really angered this social class.

    To settle these current issues, President Donald Trump has decided to put an end to Obamacare for good. Even though this new proposal will make the lives of a lot of people easier, it will also give a number of people in the United States a lot of problems they will have to face.

    I have a friend, for example, whose dad is suffering from cancer. He doesn’t have that much time to live and desperately needs a very expensive surgery to save his life; however, this family cannot afford to come up with this huge amount of money in such little amount of time. Without Obamacare, which made the surgery very affordable, my friend’s dad would have died.

    Although I think having insurance is a very great thing, I do not believe that everyone should be forced to have it. President Trump further proposed in step three of his seven step healthcare plan that anyone who chooses to have healthcare insurance, can do so, and buy it at a much more affordable rate. Putting an end to Obamacare and making health care cheaper will be most beneficial to the health care system because it will be more affordable to the lower class. This way, the middle and upper classes will not have to continue to pay such huge amounts for insurance and taxes. More people of the lower class will be likely to buy healthcare insurance when it is at a cheaper cost. Therefore, this makes the majority of America happy. All handling Medicaid on a per state basis.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Next Step to Healthcare Reform Under the Administration of Newly Elected President, Donald Trump. (2023, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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