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    Society of Animal Artists summary Essay

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    This article is about the Society of Animal Artists that was first formed in the 1960’s and how large the society is today. Being a part of the Society of Animal Artists is comparable to being a member of Who’s Who of the world’s top wildlife artists.

    Patricia Allen Bott was the founder of the Society of Animal Artists in the 1960’s. The group started out very small with less than 20 members. She loved animals and animals in art. The group still continues on today with more than 400 members.

    Members attend exhibitions at zoos, whale-watching trips, and venture to different wild animal parks. The society’s sculptors then have an opportunity to take reference pictures of a wide range of animals for future art works. The society’s mission is to “promote excellence in the portrayal of the creatures sharing the planet, and to educate the public through art seminars, lectures, and teaching demonstrations”.

    Today the sculptures present their art all over the United States. The audience of this society has grown quite reasonably with the “go green” fad currently. People that are becoming more aware of our planet and environment have developed interest in this type of sculpting.

    The society accepts about a dozen new members a year. After working with senior sculptors you may be able to put on your own exhibit. Being a member of the Society of Animal Artists allows you to travel with the society to exhibits, critique sculpting, and meet world renowned artists.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Society of Animal Artists summary Essay. (2017, May 25). Retrieved from

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