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    Renaissance Legacies Essay (530 words)

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    Legacies of the Renaissance Beginning in the late 14th century, European researchers became involved in learning about the world around them. Their discoveries issued in a dawn of a new age-?the Renaissance/”rebirth. ” New ideas such as humanism, perspective, republicanism, and advances in fields of art, science, and more resulted in the nature of the era. The legacy of the Renaissance was art, education, and technology. The Renaissance was best known for improving its art.

    One example of the art hanging/ improving was Botulism’s ‘The Birth of Venus,’ 1485. It is a painting of a woman (Venus) standing in a shell that’s floating on water and she is surrounded by angels. The wind is blowing through Venue’s hair and the hair and clothing of the angels. The major changed this painting represents is the human form/body, the vanishing/distance point, the triangles’ that draw attention to the main image, and it’s less religious. Another example of art improving was linear perspective, or vanishing point.

    It is the mathematical representation of AD space on a AD picture lane. Basically it is a point on a piece of art where it’s the point and all objects are formed by aligning to it. The major changes linear perspective made in art is creating more practical scenes and more realistic objects. Clearly, Renaissance art had an impact on present day art. Education improved tremendously after the Renaissance. This is proven in Leonardo Brunt’s ‘On Learning and Literature. ‘ It says, “Poet, Orator, Historian, and the rest, all must be studied, each must contribute a share. This explains that instead of earning mainly religious things like people practiced before the Renaissance, that one should learn all subjects to be successful and a Renaissance man. Another piece that proved education improved after the Renaissance is The Spread of Printing, from “The Harry Ransom Center” at the University of Texas at Austin. It says, “By the beginning of the 16th century, there were approximately 240 printing shops in Europe. ” This connects to the legacy by more books, ideas, and education spreading throughout Europe.

    It encouraged people to read and write. Also people can read the Bible and learn more. That is how education impacted the Renaissance. Lastly, technology from the Renaissance left an impression on present day technology. This is demonstrated by The Spread of Printing, from “The Harry Ransom Center” at the University of Texas at Austin. “The first press in the Americas was set up in Mexico City… The first press in what is now the United States was set up in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1638 and began printing in 1639. The impact Guttenberg printing press had on technology now was we built faster printing canines, such as printers, off of his invention. Another demonstration of technology Gutenberg completes his wooden press which used movable metal type… 1455 Gutenberg completed work on what is estimated to be 200 copies of the Bible. ” In Just 49 years, about 15 million books got printed from the printing press. Undoubtedly, Renaissance technology had an effect on modern day technology. As you can see, the legacy of the Renaissance was art, education, and technology. They all had a clear impact on present day ideas.

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    Renaissance Legacies Essay (530 words). (2017, Oct 11). Retrieved from

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