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    The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries is an example of Neoclassicism Essay

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    The painting of The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Utilities by Jacques Louis David is an example of Neoclassicism. Neoclassicism is the public minded values of Greek and Roman heroes who helped give morals to everyone. This empowered patriotic self sacrifice and virtue over everything (A World of Art, Sixth Edition, 2010). The reason the this painting reflects this Neoclassic era is not only for the painter himself because of his other amazing works of art, but for the huge patriotism Of Napoleon and his daring efforts and power as a ruler(Nation

    Gallery of Art, Washington. DC, 2010). This painting has a lot of detail to it and each thing represents something important. The bay Jacques Louis David pained this painting was to show how powerful he made them look. He made them over as strong, smart, and busy icons of this time period. Everything to his leggings to his hair was all part of the contrasts to his formality of his attire (National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2010). He put his hand in his vest so that it would show power and class (National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 2010).

    The big Renoir deal has gone through with Duran-Rule and the Phillips Memorial Gallery is to be the possessor of one of the greatest paintings in the world… Lots fame is tremendous and people will travel thousands of miles to our house to see itћ. Such a picture creates a sensation wherever it goes. ” This is what Duncan Phillips said about the painting Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre- Augusta Renoir (The Phillips Collection, 2010). This painting was part of the impressionist era. Another artist Claude Monet of the same era started to use lord and pigments with light brushstrokes.

    By combining more than two pigments, they would mix together and paint over the not yet dried paint forming the texture and style of impressionism (A World of Art, Sixth Edition, 2010). The painting by Pierre Augusta Renoir also used these techniques of style. The artist painted his friends dining and chatting together on the balcony Of a restaurant overlooking a remarkable view. Most paintings like these had Parisian in them and were the main focus Of people, but in this painting it fleets an important event when the restaurant began to welcome customers of every class.

    Many people might not know this surprising fact about the painting, Renoir revised the painting over and over to create his work of art just the way he wanted it to be (The Phillips collection, 2010). Abstract Expressionism paintings are more of an expression of the individual artists gestures and style. One famous artist of this era said this about his paintings “The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience had when I painted them” (A World of Art, Sixth Edition, 01 0), Others view this kind of art as felonious and a mess of colors (A World of Art, Sixth Edition, 2010).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries is an example of Neoclassicism Essay. (2018, Jun 05). Retrieved from

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