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    Metropolitan Museum of Art Essay

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    Art is a prized thing that has been accumulated and preserved all throughout history. It has helped many people learn more about the backstory of history through visuals. Even helping many to understand what exactly brought the world to be what it is today. I have always been intrigued by art. Along with that interest, museums have helped fuel it. This is why I chose to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. My interests in art and the past are connected and can all be seen in this museum which is why I believed it was the best place to visit. The artifact that I have chosen is named “Fragmentary colossal head of a youth”.

    It is apart of Greek culture and was made during the Hellenistic period around 2nd century B. C. . When walking into this part of the museum, I was immediately drawn to the marble sculpture. Especially how life size it was compared to the rest of the sculptures kept behind glass. The way the head was cut in half gave the artifact a strange appeal. It was almost as if a person couldn’t look away. What I liked most was how the top of the head was missing. Although it wasn’t lost purposely it still made me feel drawn to the artifact. I also loved the medium of the sculpture, which is marble.

    The significance behind the my choice is far from outside the box, yet I still believe it is valid. This artifact was placed in the middle of the room which really brought my attention. After giving it a better look I realized that it was a fragment of what used to be a life-size statue. It faintly reminded me of another piece I have saw long ago. The smooth edges around the mouth and the details in the hair were phenomenal, and the fact that it is cut in half made it much more intriguing. I simply enjoyed the visuals of the statue even though the meaning of it all was rather unclear.

    A lot of other people stopped to enjoy the statue, as it was the biggest most prominent artifact in the room. Some people mentioned the obvious, pointing out the half head but mostly they were quiet. My overall experience at this museum was amazing. The reason I felt this way is because the atmosphere of the museum along with the pieces in it were way beyond my expectations. I was assuming that the museum wouldn’t have as much exhibits to cover but it was huge and full with art of the past. I was able to see all these pieces with my own eyes and it was an enjoyable experience from start to finish.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Metropolitan Museum of Art Essay. (2018, Mar 01). Retrieved from

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