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    Chicano Arts Movement Essay (299 words)

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    Savannah Shooters Sandra Castanet English 5-6 appropriate Chicane Art Movement As artists began to actively participate in the efforts to redress the plight of Mexicans in the United States, there emerged a new iconography and symbolic language which not only articulated the movement, but became the core of a Chicane cultural renaissance. (Avenges) Chicane Art developed in the asses during the political eruption of the civil rights movements in the united States.

    This renaissance in the arts was in fact the birth and flowering of a Chicane oral view or Chicane aesthetic and because of its close alliance with and commitment to social change and political activism it is known today as the Chicane Art Movement. From the ranks of this movement came “artists, poets and actors who collectively generated a cultural renaissance and whose work played a key role in creating the ideology of the Chicane movement,” (Avenges) J_SIT ANOTHER POSTER? Chicane Graphic Arts in California, is the first exhibition and book that explores the poster art created by dozens of Chicane artists in California trot the late asses to the present I am honored to be among the artists included in this historic collection. Graphic art has played a key role in II Movement(the Chicane civil rights movement), and the poster has been used to educate, agitate, and organize Americans of Mexican descent, One could even say that political awareness and social activism grew out of the Chicane arts movement.

    Chicane art has had many influences Certainly Mexican artists like Joss© Guadalupe Posada, Friday Kohl, and David Quires have had their effect, UT so hue American comic books, Cuban political posters, and spray-painted barrio calligraphy. (Fallen) Chicane poster art became a means to help preserve and promote a culture largely ignored by the dominant Resurrection.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Chicano Arts Movement Essay (299 words). (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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