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    Bruce Lee??™s Passion in Martial Arts and Entertainment Essay

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    Since Lee was a man who made his dreams a reality he began his film career when he was six years old, rough the art of martial arts and film to America, and he also created his own style of martial arts called Jet June Do. Bruce lee His first screen appearance was at three months old in his father’s movie (Romance PIE 8). “This was the beginning, leading to over twenty motion picture roles and steadily increasing popularity among Hong Kong audiences” (“The Bruce Lee Story” 1). Some of the movies he had made were Enter the Dragon, Fists Of F-our and The Return Of the Dragon.

    Even though Bruce Lee died so young, he still had the acting experience because he started citing when he was young. What is Jet June DO’simply put, it’s English translation is “way of the intercepting fist. ” Bruce studies all types of fighting from American Boxing to Thai Kickboxing. His simple philosophy was rather than block a punch and hit back with two distinct motions, why not intercept and hit in one, fluid stroke. Fluidity was the ideal. “Try and obtain a nicely-tied package of water,” Bruce would taunt. Just like water, we must keep moving on,” Monsanto reiterates. “For once water stops, it becomes stagnant. ” Water, Bruce would always give as an example, is the toughest thing on Earth, It is virtually indestructible; it is soft, yet it can tear rocks apart. Move like water. Bruce dissected rigid classical disciplines and rebuilt them with fluid, pop-MO improvements. “It’s good but it needs restructuring” he would say. Classical techniques did not take into account the reality of street fighting, Jet June Do did.

    It was pragmatic, reality-based, empirical- not a bunch of stances, postures and ombudsman handed down from anticoagulation, he brought the art f martial arts and film to America. The martial arts that he brought influenced many people in the ILLS (Romance 7). He also influenced many other Asians to act these days such as Jet Lie and Jackie Chain (Romance 9). When Bruce Lee auditioned for upcoming movies, he was turned down and was rejected because he was too “oriental” (“The Bruce Lee Story 2″3). Even though he avgas rejected in American movies, he was still able to make movies in Hong Kong.

    His goal was to make five movies in Hong Kong but he ended up making four and a half movies because he died during the fifth movie (“The Bruce Lee Story 2” 3). The movie that he didn’t finish was called Game of Death. Bruce Lee practiced the unchain with Mr.. Dan Monsanto and this also made him famous. The unchain is made up of two short wooden or metal rods that are connected by a short chairs Mr.. Dan Monsanto was one of Bruce Lee’s closest friends that taught him the art of the unchain (“The Bruce Lee Story 2” 1-2). Before he made the movies in Hong Kong. E made a series of shows in America called “The Green Hornet” starring Van Williams ND Bruce Lee (“The Bruce Lee Story 2” I).

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    Bruce Lee??™s Passion in Martial Arts and Entertainment Essay. (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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