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    Analysis of William Shakespeare’s works

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    I want to analyze a work of a writer who is very very famous in England and has many works in his time. The works are very good and become popular because they have moral values . That are embodied in the work. William Shakespeare is a famous English writer who works as a playwright, poet and actor.

    His works are known by the people and even known by people in the world, there is even one work by William Shakespeare which is very famous and has become a spectacle or entertainment in the community especially in the world.

    His works at that time were greatly appreciated by the people of England and became the best work of William Shakespeare and were always remembered until now.

    In considering the life of William Shakespeare there were a number of things and comments in his lifetime. In his time very large and complicated in his own pride showed that he was most fit to show this abuse. In 1595 his name appeared on the Lord Chamberlain actor company list, which appeared on the Court.

    During this period it can be concluded that William Shakespeare prospered in worldly affairs, and he reiterated once again that he was a great actor at that time. William Shakespeare is widely considered to be the greatest scientist in the world even now his name is still known and entered into British history at this time.

    William Shakespeare is recognized by the world as a famous writer throughout the world. His works were appreciated and loved by scholars, actors and language people throughout the world. William Shakespeare wrote interesting works so people will be increasingly curious about what will be created and is still relevant today.

    The works tell the story of the queen and the prince and have a sad story so that the audience is also sad to see the story, there is also a love story that makes the audience laugh when enjoying the story. He wrote with a high imagination, with inspiration and gentleness.

    William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616. William Shakespeare the actor and writer he was also known as Stratford-upon-Avon, England, he also played theater in 1594 and so on. Professional life forms art in that era is very needed to form the characters of art observers later.

    For 20 years William Shakespeare became the author of his works, capturing various emotions and conflicts. Known throughout the world the works of William Shakespeare have been enjoyed by all people in the world, villages, cities and hamlets.

    William Shakespeare has a father named Jonh Shakespeare and his mother named Mary Shakespeare, while the siblings owned by William Shakespeare are Joan Shakespeare, gilbert shakespeare, Edmund Shakespeare, Margaret Shakespeare, Richard Shakespeare.

    From a young age William Shakespeare had loved art, that is why he began to work and continue to work until he had good work and was interested in society. He married at the age of 18 with a woman named Anne Hathaway on November 28, 1582 in Worcester, at Canterbury.

    In marriage they have three children named Hamnet Shakespeare, Susanna Hall, and Judith Quiney. William Shakespeare is the third child of John Shakespeare, William has two older sisters named Joan and Judith and also has 3 younger brothers named Gilbert, Richard and Edmund.

    William Shakespeare had attended King’s New School, in Strathmore, then taught reading, writing. As a child William’s officials will surely fulfill the tuition fees. Ten years later William Shakespeare had made several very popular works such as Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and King Lear.

    The work is very much in demand by the public and enjoyed throughout the world. The life of William Shakespeare in seven years of life where there was no record after the birth of his twin brother in 1585.

    That year after losing William scholars mentioned the ‘lost year’ in that period. In early 1590 William Shakespear was the implementing partner at the lord chamberlain’s men, the place was an acting company in london. William was very trusted in acting and in making works that would be published and sold as popular literature.

    There are 38 famous dramas created by Willian and also some small dramas worked on by others, he also wrote 154 sonatas and wrote 3 or 4 long poems. The existence of these works has a profound effect on economic and socio-political developments and influences religious beliefs, the development of art.

    At the beginning of his career William Shakespeare was able to attract the attention of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. That’s where he dedicates his poetry and is widely known by the public. William Shakespeare died at the age of 52, April 23, 1616. William left most of his inheritance to his eldest daughter, Susanna.

    The last is conclusion of this essay a famous writer named William Shakespeare who has the best works in the world and has many works ranging from small. William, from childhood, really likes art because of that he was inspired to make an interesting work, until he grew up he had many works and was loved by people in the world.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Analysis of William Shakespeare’s works. (2023, Jan 17). Retrieved from

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