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    Women’s Status in England in the Late 1800s to the Early 1900s 

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    According to the novel ‘Pride And Prejudice’ written by Jane Austen, women’s thoughts In England during the nineteenth century/beginning of the 19th century were to marry a rich man and care for the home and children. As a woman, it was a goal to marry a rich man who can support the woman and her children. It was common for a woman to marry a man she does not know and does not love, the most important thing being that he should be rich, money played a big role in women’s lives during that time. It can be because of many things that happened when women lived during this period.

    Firstly, it was seldom that women confirmed how smart they were, men decided everything, it didn’t matter what thoughts, ideas, and feelings a woman had. However, there were many women who did not have high class, but they could have it only if they married a man who has high class, they always thought about how to get a man who meets all their dreams, and he would also help their family with having high standards in their society too. Compared to today’s women who struggle to have a strong position in the community without marrying a rich man.

    Secondly, the women did not think about anything other such as read, write and work hard to achieve all the rights that a woman would have, then getting married and taking care of the home. Most of women who had a low class could not read and had no education either. Furthermore, there are women who had a higher class who could go to school and learn a lot, but they did not have the chance to do what they learned. In addition men had a big role in society anyway.

    Thirdly, the women married men who had power and money, they did not think about love or whether to be happy or not. According to me, I think that love is more important than money. In the novel, we see that Jane and Elizabeth sought opportunities to marry both a higher social class of men. In the case of the women who already have a high status in the community, they sought a man who has the same status or higher, as Miss Bingley who wanted to marry Mr. Darcy because he is rich, kind and intelligent.

    A good example from the novel ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is when Charlotte Lucas married Collins, and here we can see that she did not marry him because she loved him but only because he offered her a good and comfortable house.

    In my opinion, today when l read the novel ‘Pride And Prejudice’ written by Jane Austen it seems to me that is difficult to really understand how it was to live during that time as a woman. The way l see the today’s women is different, the women today have many choices and many alternatives that can choose from, coincided with Elizabeth Bennet and her sister who had an important goal in life and It’s getting married.

    Now, as a woman can do much more than look for a rich man to marry. A woman can read and educate, can work with anything she likes and earn money, women can become rich without marrying a rich man to get the right class in society. On the other hand, the woman today has an important role in society, she is a mother, a sister a wife who takes care of everything and yet she is a successful person with her experiences, money, and knowledge.

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    Women’s Status in England in the Late 1800s to the Early 1900s . (2021, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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