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    Why I started drawing Essay (1039 words)

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    The smell of vet paint, pencil shavings, and dried Elm’s glue rushed over me while I scanned the area for any possible friends. My eyes stopped at the class clown, Christian, sticking two crayons up his nose, ensuing the laughter Of a few other students. Next to him was Barbarian sitting quietly at the table fiddling with her pigtails. She was the closest person to a friend that I had there, and so With heavy feet dragging, made my way to sit in the blue plastic chair next to her, and waited for class to begin. “Good afternoon, everyone. The room once filled with chatter and laughter fell silent instantaneously as misplaced children scrambled the room to find open seats. A tall, bald man with a speckled grey goatee walked into the room and sat at the edge of his desk pressing his hands firmly on the ends to keep his balance. My name is Mr.. Kefir. I’d like to welcome you to art. Hopefully, if I do my job correctly at the end of the year you’ll leave this classroom an artist. ” He laughed, stood up, and handed everyone a white piece of blank paper and asked us all to take our time, and draw what makes us the happiest.

    I sat there staring at my paper tort what felt like forever. Decided to peek over at Barbarian’s paper, and saw her in the process of drawing a cartoon horse with a pink crayon. Mr.. Kefir crouched down next to me, smiled, and asked me to close my eyes and think of my favorite place to be. My mind instantly imagined the thought of the tree house in my backyard. I picked my pencil up and began to drank Before knew it the bell had rang, sounds of zippers, and scooting chairs filled the room. Once again the mom began to buzz as people left for their next class.

    Looking at my finished paper caused a chain reaction to go off in my brain. Sparks of excitement and wonder filled my head as absorbed What I had created in that short span Of time. With a led *2 pencil, I had translated an image of my backyard onto this sheet of paper before me. Chuckled to myself in complete excitement before handing y paper to Mr.. Kefir. That afternoon as my mother picked my sister and up from school, ran up the stairs to my room and grabbed the first crumpled paper that I found in my floor, smoothed out the corners with my fingers and began to draw.

    I continued making lines that would curve, swirl, and zigzag all throughout until there wasn’t a single corner or space available to draw on the paper. Graphite, and eraser shavings were scattered all over my desk by dinner, That following day in art, Mr.. Kefir complimented me on my drawing towards the end to class. You have talent, and it you don’t mind, I’d like to show it off by entering your drawing into the art contest at the middle school. ” He spoke so full of confidence, his smile caused his eyes to faintly crinkle at each end. Hadn’t thought much about other people viewing my art before.

    I was always accustomed to having just my teacher or parents as the lone audience to whatever it was that had created. I agreed to his request and continued on to my next class. To my surprise, a week later had found out that placed first in the contest. Joy ran throughout my entire body, never would hue thought that meeting had resisted so strongly about could become the one thing that had turned into my own personal escape. Now live in Phoenix, Arizona. My family decided to make the big move because of job opportunities, friends, and the escape from our freezing winters.

    I continued my art by taking classes, drawing, painting, and sculpting just about everything, and anything that happened to pop into my head. I even entered some Of my work into a few different contests, and showings here and there. Didn’t win them all, but the feeling of completing a piece of art and improving the way that I draw was the best part of it all. It was the summer before 9th grade when had decided to take a hiatus on my artwork to focus on making friends and trying out at different subjects for classes like history, and science.

    Deep into the school year one day, had found myself in the middle of history subconsciously drawing random sketches all over the empty spaces on my notes, would curve the end of my pencil in continuous motion until the led had worn down to nothing but a stub. My hands knew something that my mind hadn’t, went home that evening, and unwrapped a brand new canvas. The fresh, all too tamari smell tilled the room as cracked my aunt bottles open and began making light strokes with a small brush.

    A few hours pass by before I finish. The image of a lush grassy hill filled with flowers, trees, and clouds fill my canvas, My hands are once again covered in paint; stare at them for a while before realize that haven’t seen them this way in almost 6 months, yet, they still oeuvre able to add detail, and portray personality throughout the entire piece. Had decided that I would go back to taking art classes. I continued taking science all through high school as well, I thought of my first art teacher, Mr..

    Kefir, and the influence and encouragement that he had bestowed on me to believe in myself, and all the things that I could do. From that encouragement, have become the person that I am today. I always know that I cannot ever give up on something, even if fail the first time, and I have also learned to try the hardest the thing that scares me the most in this world, because that could very well be my biggest achievement yet. I take this knowledge with me to this day; now that am in college it’s the biggest advice that can give. I may major in science, but I continue to draw for myself.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why I started drawing Essay (1039 words). (2018, Jun 08). Retrieved from

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