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    Gustav Klimt – “The Kiss” painting Essay

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    Gustavo Climb was a controversial figure in his time, He live during 1862-1918_ His work was constantly criticized for being too sensual and erotic, and his symbolism too deviant. Climb established the Vienna session with the purpose of rising of level of the arts and crafts in Austria through close ties to art nouveau. Today, they stand out as the more important paintings ever to come Out of Vienna. The Kiss, painted in 1307-08 was a oil canvas, 180x180cm , During his golden period, Its probably clients most famous work.

    It depicts a couple, mound up in various shades of gold and symbols, sharing a kiss against a bronze background. The dusky featured man dominates the woman, holding her face to bestow the kiss. The woman with a lighter complexion kneels beneath the man, resignedly clutching his neck and hand. The lovers are situated at the edge of a flowered escarpment. The man is wearing neutral colored rectangles and a crown of vines; the woman wears brightly colored tangent circles and flowers in her hair. The twain’s embrace is enveloped by triangular vowing and a veil of concentric circles.

    The shared gold shrouding and indeterminate background evokes the timelessness and union of selves that a kiss can engender. That it represents how bright, beautiful, and golden everything is when you first kiss someone. That the man is lost in the kiss faceless and unidentifiable while the woman is turning her head away and is aloof tromp the kiss. That the female is succumbing to the male and experiencing a moment of sexual ecstasy. The Kiss exemplifies a loss of self, reconciliation and unity that only lovers experience. The couple stimulates different energies contributing o the connection.

    The man displays knowledge, black and white contrast, and binary information, as his energy towards the woman The woman supports this by using her femininity, warmth, and decorous flowers as her energy towards the man. Notice how the woman is rooted in the ground, symbolizing her connection as “Mother Nature,” which means its only normal that she connects as the image Of flowers. Notice how underneath the man pictures Of rabbits are visible and are benefiting from Mother Nature’s grass. This symbolism of connection between the two parts is the essence Of What love means.

    Some think that Climb and his beloved companion Emilie Fl¶GE modeled for the masterpiece. The Kiss is a discreet expression of Slit’s emphasis on eroticism and the liberation therein. The Kiss falls in line with Slit’s exploration of fulfillment and the redeeming, transformation power of love and art. The Kiss is deviant from Slit’s frequent portrayal of women as the lascivious femme fatal.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gustav Klimt – “The Kiss” painting Essay. (2018, Jun 08). Retrieved from

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