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    The Case for Delayed Mornings: Advocating for Later School Start Times

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    Does the thought of an early morning class make you wince? This essay delves into the compelling reasons for pushing back school start times, a change that can significantly benefit students. Better academic performance, improved mental health, and enhanced physical well-being are just some of the positive outcomes. This argument, backed by comprehensive research and countless student experiences worldwide, emphasizes how a minor yet impactful shift in school scheduling can significantly improve student life.

    Imagine that your alarm goes off and you get out of bed, ready to face the day, rather than sighing and pressing the snooze button. It may not be as far off from reality as you think, even though it sounds like a dream. Based on the straightforward premise that getting more sleep improves academic performance, a growing movement favors a later start time for classes. During adolescence, our sleep cycles shift, making it challenging to fall asleep early and wake up refreshed. However, extending the school day start time would give us the chance to catch those precious hours of sleep, thereby directly improving our focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function in class.

    The benefits of a later start to the school day extend beyond academic achievement and benefit our mental health and wellbeing. As a result of a restless night, many students feel moody and stressed the following day. Students who wake up early or get little sleep may feel more stressed, anxious, or depressed. By providing students with a chance to get enough sleep, schools can aid in improving mental health outcomes. Imagine starting the day off with a sense of energy and readiness. A later start to the school day can lead to an enhanced mood, less exhaustion, and a greater sense of wellbeing. By fostering a healthier and more positive learning environment, it has the potential to completely alter the school setting.

    In addition, a delayed start to the school day could potentially reduce the rates of tardiness and absenteeism. Early morning classes are particularly challenging for students with long commutes or those who rely on public transportation. A more reasonable start time can help alleviate these logistical stresses and promote punctuality and regular attendance. This, in turn, increases the chances of academic success and full participation in class activities and discussions.

    Adjusting school start times can also have a positive ripple effect on family dynamics. Morning routines can be incredibly frantic for many families trying to juggle work commitments and school readiness. A later start to the school day provides families with the opportunity for a shared breakfast, easing morning stress and fostering closer family bonds. Such a change can contribute to a more supportive and nurturing home environment, benefitting the emotional well-being and overall success of students.

    Finally, supporting later school start times is a student-centered strategy. Understanding the significant impact that this small change in scheduling can have on our lives goes beyond just personal preference or convenience. The secret to numerous advantages is a restful night’s sleep.


    1. “Later School Start Times in Adolescence: Time for Change” by Judith A. Owens
    2. “Impact of Delaying School Start Time on Adolescent Sleep, Mood, and Behavior” by Kyla L. Wahlstrom
    3. “Later School Start Times in Middle School: Effects on Sleep and Daytime Functioning” by Kyla L. Wahlstrom
    4. “The Impact of School Start Times on Adolescent Health and Academic Performance” by Amy R. Wolfson
    5. “School Start Time and Sleep in Canadian Adolescents” by Cary A. Brown

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Case for Delayed Mornings: Advocating for Later School Start Times. (2023, Jul 18). Retrieved from

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