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    Study Guide Unit 5 Exam: European Renaissance & Reformation

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    A person who financially supports the arts
    A form of government in which citizens elect representatives to rule for them
    The belief in the importance of an individual’s achievements and dignity
    A philosophy that tries to balance religious faith with an emphasis on individual dignity and an interest in nature and human society
    A great flowering of culture, based on classical Greek and Roman ideas and art, that began in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and spread throughout Europe
    New World
    The name given by Europeans to the Americas, which were unknown to most Europeans before the voyages of Christopher Columbus
    An independent state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory
    Collectively, areas of study that focus on human life and culture, such as history, literature, and ethics
    Relating to earthly life rather than to religious or spiritual matters
    A particular religious group within a larger faith; for example, Lutheranism is one denomination within Christianity.
    Classical Art
    Influenced by the styles and techniques of ancient Greece and Rome
    A grant by the Catholic Church that released a person from punishment for sins
    A fate chosen by god for a perspon
    Classical Art
    Classical art had no color and was usually sculptures
    Medieval Art
    Medieval art started having paintings and had many new types of painting and was usually religous
    Renaissance Art
    Renaissance art is very colorful and was religious
    Renaissance was a very lively colorful time and was a time of a lot of ideas
    Influence of Patrons
    Patrons influenced people to invest in many art pieces
    3 Factors that contribute to the beginning of the Renaissance

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    Study Guide Unit 5 Exam: European Renaissance & Reformation. (2017, Aug 30). Retrieved from

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