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    Social Issues: Working-Class Power Essay

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    The democratic society consist of the working class, it determines how much money they gain or how much tax they will be paying for the year. So theyd wanted o chose a candidate that will benefit them. He democratic society also seemed like it wanted to be heard in this years election. They spent million of dollars on making ads, posters, and billboards that would interest the average middle class citizen to go out and vote.

    The democratic society also was aware that the republicans were going to meet this election head on because a democratic had served two terms in office, and they are very anxious to change that. Another significance that the elections have in a democratic society is that it made people pay more attention to what each candidate was saying. The democratic candidate didnt nessariarly have to be voted for, that is if he wasnt promising what we was looking for. But majority of the time it doesnt happen that way, and the democratic society votes in a fellow democratic into office. The final significance about a democratic society in elections is that the majority of the democratic society is in the middle class. They want someone that will make their lives better.

    After getting a pay raise, or better working conditions, from a democratic present the last eight years, it would be close to impossible to not support a fellow democratic if he is running for office. However, the Democratic Party has not always been as strong as it is today. In the 1950s and the early 1960s, the Democrats far outnumbered Republicans and despite their lower turnout, were successful at both the state and national levels. (150) Democrats have won one in five presidential elections since 1964, and in 1980, for the first time in twenty-four years. Although proportion of strong Democrats has dropped sharply, and voting defection from party devotion has increased at all levels. (150) Democratic candidates can no longer count on almost automatic majorities among urban workers, white southerners, union members, and members of certain ethnic and religious groups.

    This wearing away of traditional voting support cannot easily be explained by some momentary event or prominent personality. (151) Conflict over race within the Democratic Party is not a new phenomenon. While the racial character of the Democratic Party was changing significantly between the 1950s and the 1980s, at the leadership level the party became the one most strongly advocating the rights of blacks. Johnnie Wells, one of Jesse Jacksons supporters in 1984, on the failure of Democratic coalition politics, stated, Its just a continuation of white flight.

    When black people move in, the whites move out. (151) This shows that there is a huge conflict with racialism when it comes to elections. The Democratic controlled Congress passed several landmark civil rights bills and beat back numerous attempts to avoid pro-black Supreme Court decisions. Given these events, plus generational replacement of older, less well-educated Democrats by better-educated, younger Democrats, one would expect a significant liberalization of racial attitudes among white Democrats.

    That is, whites opposed to black civil rights would leave the party so the majority base of the party would increasingly reflect a more liberal racial perspective. (153) This more liberal orientation would then be consistent with the policies espoused by party leaders and embodied in party platforms. We should examine this possibility by considering the views of whites Democrats on school integration and government aid to minorities. Vice president Al Gore made it his business to make sure he knows and understands where the minorities in the U.

    S. He made sure he knew our wants needs and what we were looking for in a president. And like the democratic society minorities wanted a candidate that will benefit them in the long ran. Meaning then that they would most likely vote for a democratic candidate. Vice President Al Gore realize that the number of minorities in the U.

    S. out numbered the number of upper class citizens that vote every year, so he made it his priority to reach to them first. Participation of minorities could change the elections results in numerous ways. Like said earlier, the number of minorities out number that number of the members in .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Social Issues: Working-Class Power Essay. (2019, Mar 08). Retrieved from

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