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    Shalee ConceicaoInterview Reflection Paper

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    I interviewed a parent who’s is name Marisol; she comes from a Hispanic background. She is 26 years old. She’s a mom of one child and his name is Jahel he’s now 6 months old. He is so handsome hes so small with blue eyes, I said I hope my baby comes out with colored eyes. She told me in a infant classroom she looks for the teachers to be supportive, nurturing, and for them to take attention to her child’s needs. She wants the furniture to be child-sized, encourage movement of the babies, and allow for different choices of material in the classroom setting and tummy time. She doesn’t want it to be overstimulation by having so many items available at once because it would be too much to see and focus on.

    She said there should be a changing table and little high chairs for when they eat, and there should be a rocking chair as well as quiet space for reading or practicing to roll over and crawl. She said the most important thing to her is the cribs should be next to each other and that she fears for the teacher to watch her child while he sleeps so nothing bad happens to him while hes sleeping like SIDS. She said she looks up everything so that she can try and be the best mom that she can be.

    I asked her what her priorities were and she said the most she looks for is someone to take care of her child and have a nice bond while she’s working and teach them to explore and be able to interact with the people and his surroundings. I told her that the infant teachers record daily reports which include the times and what their diaper change was, meals, naps, and activities the child did that day. She said she really likes because she wants to know everything about her little boy.

    The daily schedule is posted in the classroom. She said since they speak Spanish if its possible we speak a little bit of Spanish to the baby so he can recognize his language. I told her we can find ways for important information like taking photos of what a child is learning at the program, or sending home translated materials. The more families and teachers communicate, the better they can meet children’s needs.

    I told her that the acytivities include mini cicle time like singing songs, making music. We do sensory like water play finger painting, fun things. Last thing she said is she wants her child to get messy and express himself with art and sensory materials she wants the cute little look like nothing art work not cookie cutter art.

    Just by interviewing this mother I learned that she is such a awesome parent and I love how interested she is in her childs life. I learned that having a great relationship with the child teacher is so important. Children are all different and unique in there own ways.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Shalee ConceicaoInterview Reflection Paper. (2021, Sep 18). Retrieved from

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