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    Response to Filipino Paintings Essay

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    The painting depicts the murder of the governor in the hands of the friars and supporters and it was also inspired by true to life took place in Manila, year 1717. There’s also a whole room filled with Fernando Amorist’s sketches, paintings and memorabilia. At the center of the room is the Jose Uric Keratin Cathedral- a contemporary artwork representing the church and the reality faced by the faithful. The museum’s visual arts collection extends to the galleries on the second floor. It is in this exhibit hall where visitors view sample works of pre-war artists like Simon Flares,

    Fabian De la Rosa, Dominator Castanets, Doodads Lorenz, and V-Elis Martinez. Together they are displayed side-by side with the works of contemporary artists like Unlocked Alveolar, Nana Assail, Romeo Tableau,Jaime De Gunman, and Julie Luck. These artworks show us the creativity of Filipino and we can also see the life of the Filipino have in the Philippines as every point of it tells history. Arias interpreted the Spoliation as a symbol of ‘our social, moral, and political life. And so do other paintings, humanity unredeemed, reason and aspiration.

    Through Hess paintings, we can see the country’s norms before where many Filipino were slaved and murdered brutally. Comparing for today’s’ where life has an importance. To conclude, these works of art has continued to move direction in terms of innovation, since art is functional. The artists behind those paintings help our country to be known by their creativity and imagination giving us enhancements and emotions. It brings positive outcome to children and especially on students like us, motivating us to rediscover, to be eager on history of the Philippines, and to recognize well our own artists.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Response to Filipino Paintings Essay. (2018, Jun 13). Retrieved from

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