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    Renaissance Trade and Commerce

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    Beginning of Renaissance Trade
    -crusades established new contact between Byzantines and Muslims in the middle east
    -new types of food, art, spices, and luxurious items like silk became available in most European cities
    -silk road up and running
    -Marco Polo helped renew interest in Asia and it’s goods
    -Italian cities like Venice and Genoa became centers of trade because of central locations along trade routes to Asia and easy access to water ways
    -goods were transported from these cities on trade ships to England and other N.European countries
    -trade routes connecting S. and E. Europe developed which increased development in these places
    Early Renaissance Commerce
    -as trade and cities evolved, the economies of European kingdoms also evolved
    -people began to use money to buy goods creating a new economy based on money
    -each kingdom had a different coin which created need for moneychangers to convert for foreign money
    -banking became essential
    -craftspeople, merchants, and bankers became very important to support new style of economics
    -craftspeople and merchants collaborated creating and celling goods throughout Europe
    -many merchants and bankers became very wealthy with this new economy spreading across Europe
    The Renaissance City
    -new social classes based on wealth
    -determined rights and power in the city
    -cities created new atmosphere
    -merchants and traders interested in new ideas, technology, products, and experimentation
    -peasants who moved to the city for work became part of the working class with little to no rights
    -nobility and wealthy merchants created a ruling class to control government and manipulate it for their own purposes
    -gap between classes grew larger as Renaissance continued and increased tension between the classes
    -ruling class provided for the cities
    -funded work that beautified the cities with art and buildings
    -also increased education by funding universities and schools

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    Renaissance Trade and Commerce. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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