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    Summary about Renaissance (912 words)

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    Renaissance is the Fresh term was used to describe an entire period of rebirth – “rebirth” of ancient traditional, took as its foundation the art of Classical antiquity, but transformed that tradition by the absorption of recent developments in the art of Northern Europe and by application of contemporary scientific knowledge. It is the painting, sculpture and decorative arts of that period of European history known as the “Renaissance”, parallel with developments which occurred in philosophy, literature, music and science.

    It started in Italy, take place between the 4th and 17th centuries and then spread throughout the European countries in the 16th century. It emerging as a distinct style in Italy. Renaissance art history, especially the Italian Renaissance was divided into the 3 stages: _ Early Renaissance (about 1420 – 1490/1500) High Renaissance (about 1490/1500 – 1520) Late Renaissance or Mannerism The first stage of the Renaissance starting from the city of Firemen (Florence) with the statue of Denotable, Gibber picture of the relief, frescoes by Mosaic and the construction of Fillips Brucellosis.

    The second stage of the Renaissance. This stage was the peak of the Renaissance. This is the time to reach perfection and harmony. The central of this period is the city of Rome of Pope. This is a time of architectural sketches for the church of SST. Peter in Rome Aberrant, the most famous paintings of Leonardo ad Vinci, Raffle’s, statues and frescoes of Michelangelo and the works of Albrecht etchings Udder. After that period is the Late Renaissance or Mannerism is characterized by many different art trends. Mannerism tends to overstate the treasures of the Renaissance shape (Ex: describing the human body in some actives).

    The last stage of the Late Renaissance period gradually transformed into Baroque style. But the Renaissance did not occur in a pattern quite similar across Europe. In the spirit of the Renaissance and the early start blooming in Italy in particular, are all influential in painting, sculpture and architecture is not until about 1500 or later Renaissance began in the North of Europe and also the dominant one, and brought several national character. In countries other than Italian architecture and sculpture is influenced more painting.

    During this period appeared many famous characters tit the works left a huge impact on humanity in all fields of painting, architecture and sculpture,… In which have to mention to painter Raphael, one of the three artists had a great influence to the Renaissance art. Rafael Sansei ad Robin or Raphael Sansei (1483 – 1520), was born in eastern Italy. He was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. His work is admired for its clarity of form and ease of composition and for its visual achievement of the Napoleonic ideal of human grandeur.

    Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo ad Vinci, he forms the rotational trinity of great masters of that period. Different from Leonardo and Michelangelo, Raphael is a person knows how to combine both the most difficult combination: ancient traditions and contemporary, the legendary life, sanctity close to earth And with this combination that made the immortal works with the layout synthesis monumental nature of the Renaissance style. Raphael was a student of painter Pitter Perusing (1450-1523). In the first period, he painted many paintings are influenced by teachers, such as: SST.

    Niccole (Saint Niccole ad Titillation Altarpiece 1 501 . Museum of Captioned, Naples); Jesus crucified on the cross (The Crucifixion 1502 . National Gallery London);… In 1504, when he was 21 years old, he went to Florence and meticulous study about the works of earlier masters. He met Leonardo ad, Vinci and Michelangelo, in here.

    During 4 years in Florence, Raphael painted many paintings, including the famous paintings such as Notre Dame and two lines with 5 holy throne (the Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints 5- 1505. Metropolitan Museum, New York), SST. Michael and the dragon (Saint Michael and the Dragon – 1505. Louvre, Paris), Portrait of Angelo Don (Portrait of Angelo Don 1506. Patti Gallery, Florence), hypertension (The entombment in 1507. Division competition Brothers, Rome)

    In 1508, Raphael was invited to work in Rome by Pope Julius II. In here, he has many world-famous works such as debate sacramental (Dispute 1509-1510, Vatican, Rome), Athens School (The School of Athens, 1510-1511. Vatican, Rome). Especially the 1 series is very beautiful religious paintings: Lady Alba (the Alba Madonna. 1511. Washington National Gallery), most notably painting Lady Sistine (The Sistine Madonna, 1512-1513.Dressed Museum).

    This masterpiece is the culmination and summary of Christian paintings. In 1512, Raphael painted the Sistine Dame cathedral Saint Sixth. He painted the Sistine Dame cathedral Saint Sixth. The painting is balanced composition, with 6 characters clever, creating sustainable stability triangle as desired longevity of the church. The peak stately and imposing is also the focus of the painting is the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus expresses the psychological shadow deeply through, demeanor, eye contact, such as a human prediction born to do great things extraordinary.

    Raphael used the art space, light and dark, color creates a halo around Mary and the Child Jesus and the direction it faces two SST. Barbara Saint Sixth and to the Lord, to honor Mary and Baby Jesus, all floating in the foreground may. Ben picture below is the upstream direction by two angels. Color paintings portray a solemn but very close. This painting is a great summation of Raphael on the subject of religion and love to your mother ever after no one could pass. “Sistine Madonna” by Raphael, from 1754 has been moved to Dressed, Germany. And, since then, it is seen as a symbol of this city.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Summary about Renaissance (912 words). (2017, Aug 27). Retrieved from

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