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    My project will be a promotional package for a newly formed company Essay

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    My project will be a promotional package for a newly formed company. It will be a food company, which produces top quality traditional Chinese food, e. g. moon cakes, ‘waxed sausages’, etc. This project will consist of making a logo for the company, a business card, a letter headed paper and an introductory leaflet. The logo will be designed with iGrafx Image; business card will be designed with Microsoft(r) Publisher; letter headed paper with Microsoft(r) Word; and an introductory leaflet with Microsoft(r) Publisher.

    The logo should give customers a general idea of what the company is and produces. The logo will also be used all the way through my project to indicate that they are all about the company. Logos from existing Chinese food companies may be used for getting some ideas for my logo, and I will use the Internet to find some examples. Pictures will be used in the leaflet to attract readers. The leaflet should have simple text to allow readers to read through it easily, using Franklin Gothic Book as the text.

    It should have 3 to 5 pages, consisting of the main achievement of the company, products of the company with brief descriptions (certainly with pictures of the products next to them), and at the back of the leaflet will have contact numbers and addresses of the company, web site address (if available) and also with the phone number and address of the headquarter of the company so that customers can phone in and give their comments and queries, as customers are always right!

    The business card should provide contact details of the company, such as name of the company, its logo, working hours, contact numbers and address of the company (also, a web site address if available). Same details will be needed for the letter headed paper. Section 2 Collecting Information Collecting Information Food I need to find out what Chinese foods are popular amongst the people from foreign countries so that the company can attract more customers.

    I have asked many of my friends who are from European countries, and from what they have told me, fortune cookies are the most popular Chinese food product throughout the world, then comes the mooncakes, Chinese sausages, wonton, rice dumplings and spring rolls. To take in some more reliable sources, I am going to take a survey around my class and ask them to fill in a table, which has a list of famous Chinese food, and their task is to simply put down numbers next to them from number 10 as their most favourite to number 1 as their least favourite.

    This is the table of ratings that I am going to give to my class (edited with and copied from Microsoft(r) Excel): With the results I can decide what food products I can put into the company’s promotional package. This should be able to attract more customers as the food mentioned in the promotional package is popular and well-known. Also, I will be able to tell what food is not well-known but famous in China herself. Maybe I should avoid mentioning it in my promotional package Special Details

    In order to attract customers’ attention and to promote the company’s products at the same time, I will look for some stories and legends about one of the food products, which then I can put into the company’s promotional package, which should keep the customers interested in buying the products. Section 3 Selecting Information Selecting Information There would be no doubt that searching on the internet would give a list of thousands of results, e. g. logos, therefore a careful selection is required.

    What I need are some logos of some food companies or restaurants for some inspiration for my logo design for the company that I am working for. On the internet they have a number of logos of different varieties of Chinese restaurants and food company. From those I will have to select the ones that fit into my catalogue. There is more information about this in the next section. Section 4 Developing Information Developing Information Logo For my project, I need some ideas for my logo design.

    I want it to give the customers an impression of old Chinese tradition. Logos of existing Chinese food companies can be found on the Internet. Here I have found some logos that might suit my company with GoogleTM Search Engine: This logo shows clearly that it is something to do with China, but it doesn’t show clearly that it is to do with food. The way in which it is laid out is quite good -the text of the name of the restaurant is formatted in italic. Some more colours would be quite nice. This logo uses old Chinese characters as the logo of the shop.

    It is quite attractive, but then it doesn’t show that it is a logo for a food company. However, English text underneath it may help, so it is still possible for me to use a similar logo like this one for my company. This logo is very easy to design, but the chopsticks wouldn’t suit as a logo for my company since they give people an impression of a restaurant instead of a traditional Chinese food company. The little figure of a Chinese farmer is quite attractive. It gives an impression to people that the shop is to do with something Chinese.

    Although the logo is quite basic and untraditional, it may attract more young people to consume the company’s product. Another basic logo design, but by just looking at the panda figure, it doesn’t tell people that the company is to do with food. Also, it doesn’t give people an impression of Chinese tradition. This logo has the restaurant’s Chinese name as well as its English name, and also it has some flowers as a watermark background, which gives the logo a traditional look but still attractive. This type of logo is not hard to design, so I have decided to design a logo like this one.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    My project will be a promotional package for a newly formed company Essay. (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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