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    Complimentary colour Essay (1151 words)

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    User’s Comments: I feel that the grass in the background of the logo and the wavy grass design under the football have been used effectively to the extent that it shows a lot of activities to be available at the leisure centre. As can be seen from this image I have edited the logo using the graphic software: ‘Macromedia Fireworks’ and ‘Adobe Photoshop’. From the previous design I have replaced the wavy blue design with a wavy grass design directly under the ball. This is because it helps to represent the grass image effectively, so it helps to convey that a wide variety of activities are available.

    This is because grass is associated with sporting activities so this image idea is immediately thought of by the user. Also this helps to make it more relevant to the leisure centre, so I have also added grass to the background of this logo for these very two purposes. Also the main part of the logo has been modified using the graphics software. For example I have added an inner bevel as well as a shadow to make it look more realistic and stand out more. Also I have modified it to add an orange glow around the main part of the logo.

    This is because orange is a complimentary colour of blue so by using the blue and the orange next to each other they work very well together and as a result will help to attract more attention to the logo itself. Leaflet Holder: User’s Comments: I feel that the use of thermochromatic ink is a great addition which will help to attract a lot of attention, especially children. As suggested by the user’s comments the use of thermochromatic inks was especially designed to suit the needs of children.

    This is because the holder already looks very professional, which means that it already appealed to adults and needed a way to appeal more to children. This is the reason why I have decided to add this modification of thermochromatic inks to my leaflet holder, which I had not previously intended to do. The red ink used in the thermochromic ink would not appear when heat is applied such as touching the initials, so it would just leave the blue background underneath. This would help to appeal to children especially, as they will find it very interesting and attractive that the inks are able to change colour (appear invisible when touched).

    Also I have airbrushed the thermochromatic inks to the holder. This is because airbrushing is a commonly used technique in industry, so it would help to make my leaflet holder look more professional, helping it to appeal to adults more. Again I have used graphic software in order to make the leaflet holder stand out more. I have included an inner bevel to the background of the holder, so now the blue background looks 3D and seems more realistic. I have added shadows to all of the images to help them to stand out more, and I have even added a shadow to the thermochromatic inks.

    This was designed on computer, but the colour of the text matched the colour of the background so the actual text of ‘C. L. L. C’ is not visible under the thermochromatic inks. Another modification I carried out was the addition of polystyrene in the leaflet holder. I have placed two blocks of polystyrene (Styrofoam)- one under the bottom tray and one just above the bottom tray. This is because it helps to provide support to the tray and so it makes sure that they are easily visible and sturdy. Another reason for using it is because of the extra weight that it now provides to the leaflet holder.

    Because the polystyrene blocks are quite heavy compared to the leaflet holder they help it to stay rigid, upright and gives the leaflet holder some strength. This means that it won’t be easily damaged, which means that it reduces maintenance costs. I have also printed the design for the leaflet holder on one sheet of paper. This is because it would not look very attractive if there were many layers of paper stuck on the card as design, which may put off the user from picking up a leaflet. As a result of using one sheet of paper, the surface of the holder looks very smooth which helps all of the designs to stand out and to be eye-catching.

    The designs for the holder and the two trays have been printed out in high quality on photo paper. This is because it provides a glossy finish to the leaflet holder which will help to make it look much more attractive and appealing to the intended users: adults and children. Leaflets: User’s Comments: I feel that the size of the children’s leaflet relates to its intended user well as does the design of the adult’s leaflet to its respective intended user. As suggested by the user, both leaflets are able to appeal to their own respective intended users.

    I have carried out a modification on the children’s leaflet by changing the layout of the front page using graphics software as well as modifying the size of the children’s leaflet. This is because it is now a much smaller size, so it should appeal to children more, as they would usually be attracted by smaller sized leaflets. They believe that it should contain less information than a normal A4 sized leaflet and they are able to carry it around easier, which are the real reasons behind why they should be attracted to this leaflet.

    The front page of the leaflet contains an enlarged image of the logo, which will help to generate immediate promotion for the centre and the event. I have also use the graphics software to create the slogan which has been enlarged and the text on the front page has been embossed to help make it stand out more from the page. As a result of all of these things the front page is presented as being eye-catching which is vitally important to make it appealing to children. Both of the leaflets have been finished to a high quality with them being printed in high quality on glossy paper.

    This is because it will help to add a professional touch to both of the leaflets and will both be more attractive to their respective intended users. The adult leaflet uses the glossy paper to an extra advantage in that the split down the middle of the front page is not as easily visible. This means that when the user looks at the leaflet more closely it would appeal to them more sue to the interesting shape that they were not able to spot as easily from further away (This is shown in the second picture, where the split down the middle is not easily visible).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Complimentary colour Essay (1151 words). (2017, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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