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    Corrections in Design Essay (1313 words)

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    Dot-Matrix: the print head is a matrix of pins either arranged in a vertical line. Each character is formed by using a set pattern of some pins. The print head pins push paper to print dots. At a normal reading distance the dot seem to form characters. The advantages of these printers are these printers are cheap and the stationery used is very cheap as well. Dot-Matrix printers can also print on multi-part stationery. The problems with these printers are that they are very low resolution. They are also very slow and very noisy and because of this it has to be covered with a case. ii.

    Ink-Jet: the print head has a lot of tiny nozzles through the ink is sprayed onto the paper. In some printers the nozzles are controlled by crystals inside the print head, which change shape when an electrical current is passed through the nozzles. In others the ink is heated so that it expands and pushes through the nozzles onto the paper. There are a lot of nozzles on the ink-jet than dots on the dot-matrix, so thus this good resolution printer. The ink-jet has a number of advantages; it is a good resolution printer much better than the dot-matrix, it is also very cheap and it is small (easy to carry about).

    This type of printer is quite slow, it is expensive to run and lastly, it is secrets a lot of ink unto the paper(especially if the paper is light)I will get all the statistics from the president of the club. I will create tables and graphs in the excel package and paste it in the publisher package. Format of information and graphics The text of the leaflet is to contain the information I acquire from the president of the club, the application form to join the club and the interviews I have with past Green Peacocks.

    The graphics required will be pictures of Green Peacocks from magazines and scanned photographs from the office of the Green Peacocks. The pictures will have to be sized appropriately so they fit the space available. Pictures should not be distorted as this detracts from their original quality and may spoil the overall look of the final design, they also have to be stored as JPEG pictures because they compress the picture and this saves a lot of space on the computer. The front cover of the leaflet should contain the name of the club, the logo, and a picture to show that the leaflet is for the Green Peacocks.

    Output The leaflet will be created in the publisher and output in printed form for giving to people and well wishers. The final design could be printed on ordinary plain paper. This paper is very cheap and is readily available for use and the paper can be easily used to make photocopies. But the problem with this type of paper is that it is too thin, making the design show on the reverse side. Photographic paper can also be used to print the leaflet because it is easy to fold and it is thicker than ordinary plain paper (meaning that the design does not show on the reverse) and it is easy to fold.

    But, this paper is expensive and is not available when needed and cannot be photocopied. The last paper that can be used for the production of the leaflet is the thin card paper. This paper is very thick (much more thicker than the photo paper), but this paper is very expensive and is very hard to fold up. I have decided to use Photographic paper the because it is easy to fold, it is thicker than ordinary plain paper because the design does not appear on the reverse side, and the paper can be used to make photocopies and a colour design can be easily used. Backup/Security Strategy

    The computer file containing the final designs should be backed up onto a USB drive at regular intervals. This copy should be kept in a different location from the computer in case there is a fire or a flood at the premises. Ideally a backup copy needs to be made each time more work is done on the programme. Collect data and images from the president of the club and the internet. Sort out the useful parts and start to create the initial design. Also collect the logo from the president. Interview past and current members of the club, take photographs to insert in the leaflet Week two

    Continue to plan and create the initial design and rough out on paper. Week three Show the initial design to the president of the association and wait for a feedback (either condemning, praising the design). Update the initial design and decide how to develop the design to become the final design Week four Create the final design for the leaflet containing all the necessary information, pictures and photographs. Week five Start the final design in the publisher publication (MS publisher). Device a test plan on how the leaflet is meant to be. Week six Start the testing and evaluation of the leaflet.

    Finish off the leaflet Test Plan To make sure the leaflet contains all the necessary information, that there are no errors and that it fulfils the user requirements specified by the user, a test must be carried out. This will be implemented once the designs have been finished. Test Description Method of testing Is the leaflet easy to carry around Fit into a pocket or into a hand bag Can be photocopied easily. Check that it is A4 in size Spelling, grammar Run a spell check and proof read the entire leaflet Pictures and photographs Check with the office that the photographs included are past and present Green Peacocks

    Prints correctly Make sure all the pictures and text come out correctly. The leaflet must contain all necessary information about the camp Tell someone to read the leaflet and find out if all the necessary information about the club was acquired. The leaflet must be very interesting to read Tell someone to read the leaflet and ask for their opinion about the leaflet and layout. IMPLEMENTATION Progression of Work I created my logo in the paint pro shop. I used a shapes (oval and rectangle) and lines (curvy lines) to create my logo. I also inserted the name of the association by using the text button in the programme.

    I used the Edwardian script and the elephant script for this purpose. fig1: sample of the logo. I had added the logo to every page of the database and had added the picture as well as the heading on some of the pages. I added more titles and added some of the text to the pages of the leaflet All the pictures, tables and forms have been added to these pages of the leaflet. The logo, a picture and a title have been added to the front page of the leaflet. The remaining text (the comments about the association) has been added to the leaflet. A map has also been added to the leaflet. Corrections in Design

    The map has been enlarged and been given a border to make it stand out and to let people with seeing defects to be able to see and locate the place with ease. Errors of Correction Error 1 – I miss-spelt the ‘peacocks’ in the title Error 2 – I did not put the picture in the correct place and another picture was placed on top of it. I corrected the design by spelling the ‘peacocks’ correctly and by putting the picture in the right position. Error three – I distorted the map and it I not big enough for people to look at it. I corrected the design by making the map bigger and spreading it out on the page.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Corrections in Design Essay (1313 words). (2017, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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