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    Promotional car brochure stand for a car company Essay

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    I have to design a temporary promotional car brochure stand for a car company. There are many important features that need to be included in the design.  Needs to attract the attention of potential customers because otherwise they might go to a rival and purchase off them. I will do this by using vibrant colours that stand out like black & yellow, or black & sliver; this can make the stand look expensive. The stand will also have to with stand testing of dropping brochures into the stand and any other ware ‘an’ tare that might occur.

    This is because people may put back brochures and they don’t care if they drop them in so it has to with stand the tests. The brochure stand that I will produce will be sturdy and not cheap, otherwise it won’t attract customers. > The brochure stand is an important feature to the car market as it can help sell the brochures so that there are more potential customers. Therefore the design must be aesthetically pleasing.  I will use the information I get from my questionnaires to develop my ideas to create the best idea for my final design.

    Must be made of suitable material because there would be no point making it out of Titanium when it would look as good and cost less with aluminium that can also be recycled. Should be a seasonable size because if its too tall people wouldn’t be able to reach it and too small and there is a danger of it getting stolen or crushed. Blend in well with the environment because it would not look nice if you had e. g. a land rover stall with wood and mud and then the brochure stand was shinny metal it would look wrong.  Must be able to stand upright on a flat surface so that it does not fall over.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Promotional car brochure stand for a car company Essay. (2017, Sep 21). Retrieved from

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