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    Social Class & Poverty in the US

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    The main social issue that is affecting America harshly is Poverty! Poverty is crushing the social classes of an ample amount. Dividing the successful class from the impoverished class. Poverty also economically affects America in multiple ways too. It causes storage in productivity, which slows down the income amount that America makes and circulates, crime has been raised a great amount due to poverty, having to fiend for ways to eat and feed siblings or offsprings so they wouldn’t starve to death, and the rise of governmental financial aid has affected the economy by impoverished citizens. Poverty is a horrible epidemic that shouldn’t be frowned upon, but stopped and abolished in America.

    Poverty in America is too drastic and puts a toll on the economy in multiple ways. Poverty is an epidemic that separates classes and destroys families all over the U.S. It creates bad visions upon others that look at the poor on street corners and assume the worst of how that person became to sit or live in that cardboard box or street corner and what types of drugs he ran through to be put in that situation. Although not most people create titles upon the weak, a great number of everyday Americans despise the lower class which then fore creates a division among classes, a big part of the reason is poverty. Not only is it dividing classes, it is also creating a deficiency in the economy.

    By the huge number of droppings in available jobs yearly, the number of everyday Americans in poverty is adding up. “The top hobby that homeless citizens participate in, once homeless, finds a quick drug distributor or go on a crime spree for simple cash” ( Poverty affects the economy drastically in.

    economy shifts environmentally, how the money spreads across from place to place and the way it rotates from bank to bank, slows down a lot each year. Poverty also affects crime. Impoverished adults usually savage for food goods and casual clothing to satisfy them for another period of their life. Impoverished kids, usually teens, go after money and jewelry, things that please them or that they can sell to get quick money to solve their hunger and or thirst. There are also many causes of poverty in America also. Issues like not being able to pay for rent or mortgage, being fired or laid off from work, and struggling to find a new, decent paying job that can support you and your family also pay for the necessities that’s needed to keep you and your family healthy.

    Poverty is a huge social problem in America that should be stopped as soon as possible!

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    Social Class & Poverty in the US. (2019, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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