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Tornado Essay Examples

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Essay Examples


Tornado Preference in the Community


Words: 1577 (7 pages)

Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify which tornado warning systems are preferred within the community. The aim is that this information will be representative of the community in its entirety, as there is no specific population within the community being studied. The goal is to have individuals from every class represented in…

The Tri-State Tornado Research (565 words)


Words: 565 (3 pages)

I chose to research about the Tri-State Tornado. I chose this because it sounded very interesting and I wanted to know more. This event stuck out to me because of how much land was covered with this tornado. Tornados occur when warm moist air meets cool dry air. Most also start with a thunderstorm which…

Tornado Shelter Essay (1035 words)


Words: 1035 (5 pages)

Introduction Life can change in an instant when severe weather strikes. Populations living in tornado prone areas have likely experienced this phenomenon firsthand. During these extreme weather events, storm shelters are life savers (Smith, 2013). Failing to take the proper protective actions, however, can contribute to tornado-related injuries (Hammer & Schmidlin, 2002). Taking the proper…

The EF-3 Type Tornado (995 words)


Words: 995 (4 pages)

The EF-3 Type Tornado That Killed People, Tore Planes Into Halves and Demolished Buildings creating a catastrophy over 50 miles across FOUR Countries. The tornado distinguished as an EF-3 tornado that breezes up to 165 mph tore across Nashville,as informed by the National Weather Service. The tornado sliced through Nashville causing damage that looked straight…

How Do Wind Storms Effect Climate Change

Climate Change


Words: 906 (4 pages)

During these past 6 years many horrific natural disasters have impacted on the environment for example Hurricane Irma has hit more than 12 states, countries, or territories and left people without power, food, water, and shelter. But a few days before that, a hurricane named Harvey hit Texas and flooded everything leaving people stuck for…

A Brief Writing of Tornadoes (1533 words)


Words: 1533 (7 pages)

Tornadoes are among the most well known natural disasters of this planet and can be recalled as a cyclone of whirling air. Going into more detail about tornadoes, air is involved in the process of a tornado which also means atmospheric weather conditions must be present in order to form a tornado. With the crucial…


Effect Wind damage
Season Primarily spring and summer, but can be at any time of year

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