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    One Hell of a System Essay (274 words)

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    Students often remark that school is boring. This remark could be fueled by a laxidasical and truly inappropriate set of mandatory credits, lack of interest towards subjects and an extremely boring method to teaching.

    The main problem, Mandatory Credits, starts right at the top of the ladder. Students are forced into classes they won”t need and are taught skills that will never be used. If a child is to become a Mathematician why is he forced to sit through classes where a teacher rambles on and breaks down a story that will never be picked up in life again. Once this problem is figured out students will be more interested and encouraged in classes they will need.

    The second problem, lack of interest, is fueled by the same mandatory credits. Why should a student be forced into taking a class where they will simply be caught “snoozing” due to lack of interest that”s forced upon them. By this time a student has given up and starts to hate school in general.

    The third problem, drilling students, is found with the teachers themselves. A student has to sit in class with his books open rewriting the same words being said by the teachers. Why can”t they make it more hands on, keep the students into it? If teachers want results they should work with the kids not at them.

    If these issues were looked at by all the rich people who sit in chairs all day. Then and only then will you have grades rise and children in schools. The challenge is theirs, get off your ass and do something about it.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    One Hell of a System Essay (274 words). (2018, Jun 11). Retrieved from

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