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    Leonardo da Vinci Speech Essay

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    Slide I
    One of the greatest minds of the Renaissance era was Leonardo da Vinci. I did my speech on him.
    Slide II
    Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1482. His given name was Leonardo di ser Piero. He got “da Vinci” from his home town being named Vinci. *’Da’ means ‘from’ in Italian so his name means ‘Leonardo from Vinci’*
    Slide III
    His parents’ names were Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci and his mother was Caterina da Vinci. He had 17 half siblings. For his whole life Leonardo was raised by his Uncle Francesco.
    Slide IV
    When he was 14, Leonardo went to be an apprentice to Andreas del Verrocchio. He studied painting, sculpting, and mechanical skills. When he was 20, Leonardo was considered a master artist and worked in his workshop at the painter’s guild of Saint Luke.
    Slide V
    Da Vinci’s religion has been debated upon for years. Some believe he was Catholic, Protestant, Agnostic, or just a flat out Atheist. However, he crated paintings for the Catholic Church and his employer, The Duke of Milan, regardless. During his employment to the Duke, he created “The Last Supper” and “Virgin of the Rocks.”
    Slide VI
    The Last Supper
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    Virgin of the Rocks
    Slide VIII
    From 1503-1516, da Vinci was in the prime of his career. Not on,y did he study art and literature, but math and science also. He was the example of a Renaissance Man. He was a(n) …. *read off slide* and so much more.
    Slide IX
    Many of da Vinci’s inventions we still use today. For example, he invented objects like the parachute, scissors, scuba gear, and a similar version of our modern day airplane. We know this because of his notebooks. In his notebooks, however, he wrote all the content in them backwards. A lot of people believe he did this because he was either dyslexic or didn’t want people stealing his ideas.
    Slide X
    The Mona Lisa is one of da Vinci’s most famous and mysterious pieces. People always wondered why she was smirking in the painting because in the Renaissance, portraits were supposed to be serious. It’s also said that her eyes follow you wherever you go…
    Slide XI
    The Vitruvian Man- shows how Leonardo was interested in science and anatomy as well as art.
    Slide XII
    da Vinci died on May 2nd, 1519 when he was 67 years old. He never married or had kids. He was buried in Saint Florentine’s church. His legacy will live on forever.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Leonardo da Vinci Speech Essay. (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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