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    Intro to the Arts Essay

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    Leonardo da Vinci was typical of the Renaissane because of…

    his versatility
    Renaissance painters used
    a more sophisticated perspective
    Composers of the Renaissance developed a
    polyphonic style of music
    The Renaissance was closely associated with
    the humanistic philosophy
    The Dead Christ by Mantegna illustrates
    Michelangelo’s Last Judgment is located in
    The Sistine Chapel
    The paintings in the Sistine Chapel are (what type of medium)
    The paintings in the Sistine Chapel were done by
    Renaissance artists were more concerned with
    How they portrayed their subjects than what they portrayed
    Michelangelo primarily thought of himself as a
    A primary principle of Renaissance painting was that the subject should be
    true to nature
    There was a little difference in style between (music) during Renaissance
    vocal and instrumental music
    The word Baroque is derived from
    Portuguese Barroco
    Distinguished elements of Baroque music
    Figured bass, basso continuo, and ornamentation
    A chief characteristic of Baroque music is
    the emancipation of instrumental music from vocal forms
    Why did baroque painters seek middle-class patronage?
    Because of the concentration of wealth in the middle class
    Rembrandt was one of the first artists to develop
    the function of light and shade as a medium of extending space
    The protestant spirit in music is best illustrated by
    the works of J.S. Bach
    Velasquez was influenced by
    the Jesuits and their spiritual exercises
    El Greco was a
    strong artistic voice for the Jesuits
    The music of Giovanni Gabrieli was influenced by
    the space in which it was to be performed. St.

    Mark’s Cathedral, Venice. Surround sound.

    Baroque philosophy tended toward
    a systematizing of every aspect of human experience
    Rembrandt’s group portrait: Dr. Tulp’s Anatomy Lesson
    Most famous work of Rembrandt.

    A painting of a well-known doctor demonstrating the technique of surgery. Chiaroscurro (light juxtaposed to darkness. Bright light on their faces, surrounding details dark.)

    Neoclassicism was a revolt against
    romanticism and impressionism
    At the close of the 18th century the ______ demanded more music
    Most French, German, and Austro-Hungarian courts maintained a
    staff of resident musicians
    During the classic era, the musicians were considered
    merely servants
    In the Oath of Horatii by David, the subject is taken from
    French Revolution History
    During the Classical era, general musical characteristics included
    Elegant, restrained, stable, balanced: predictable with dear musical ideas.
    It is said that Mozart was perhaps the most
    nearly perfect musical creator in the history of Western music
    The term Romantic is used to designate the style of art and music during
    the 19th century
    Romantic painting attempts to express
    the personal feelings of the artist
    Romantic composer who wrote some of the greatest music of all time and was deaf
    Romantic music was an effective medium for
    personal artistic expression
    All Romantic music is based on the premise that
    musical tension is necessary to achieve corresponding intensification of emotional response
    T/F: In contrast to classical art, Romantic art is seldom experimental
    What kind of composer is Beethoven?
    A Bridge composer: one foot in the classical and one foot in the romantic style period
    Impressionist painters had a special fondness for
    subject landscapes
    It can be said that Impressionist painters strove to
    depict transitory images and feelings
    The most important element in Impressionist painting was
    Van Gogh was an expressionistic painter who
    was tormented by the miser of humanity and tried to express his feelings about the universe
    The painting Starry Night is a work that
    seeks to express the cosmic forces of nature
    Picasso was an aritst who
    experimented with many styles
    The painting Guenica by Picasso is a modern painting that shows
    its creator’s protest against the horrors of modern warfare
    The painting girl before a mirror by Picasso is
    his most successful treatment of the Cubist style

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Intro to the Arts Essay. (2017, Nov 18). Retrieved from

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