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    ART Pop Quizzes Essay

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    What term describes work done by non professionals?
    Folk art, naïve art, intuitive art, outsider art
    The term ‘style’ is used to categorize a work of art by its
    visual characteristics
    If a work of art is faithful to our visual experience, its style is
    When discussing the size, shape, materials, color, and composition of a work of art, we are discussing its
    ______, literally “describing images”, involves identifying, describing, and interpreting subject matter in art, and allows a viewer to understand meaning that he/she may not be able to readily see for themselves
    Philosophers determined that the pleasure of art was an intellectual pleasure and was perceived through
    special kind of attention called disinterested contemplation (admiring characteristics)
    Which statement is NOT true regarding James Hamilton’s throne of the third heaven..

    . body of work?

    He was outside the realm of professional training, he was unknown until death, work was a spiritual vison, and the complete body of work now resides in Smithsonian (very high class). But it is not true that the artist intended the work to be viewed by everyone as a message of redemption. He only intended himself to view it.

    If this piece was on a lawn or on the side of the road it would be seen as trash but people recognized it as art and now it seems very regal when its in the respectable Smithsonian. The setting of the artwork changes people’s views.

    Van Gogh’s painting are of high value because
    his work had a major influence on subsequent artists, there are a limited number of his paintings, he plays a large role in western art history, and his paintings allow the viewer to feel a connection with the artist himself.
    According to the author, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa dazzled his contemporaries because
    the portrait was miraculously life like
    If a work of art does not represent or otherwise refer to the visible world outside itself, its style is
    destruction of images based on religious beliefs
    What is an example of a theme in art?
    Art and nature
    The pyramids at Giza in Egypt were build as
    Pablo Picasso’s Guernica was a protest against
    the bombing of a civilian population
    What were designed as a place of worship or meditation?
    Sainte-Chappelle, the Great Mosque at Cordoba, The Temples at the Pyramids at Giza
    Christian Boltanski draws upon ________ to create his work ___________
    Holocaust; Altar to the Chases High School
    Nineteenth-century American Painters employed the American landscape as a subject.

    On such artist was Thomas Cole who focused on an areas of the Connecticut River to create

    The Oxbow
    Jeff Wall’s Sudden Gust of Wind (After Hokusai) is a ____________ that refers to a __________
    Photograph; print
    Artist Frida Kahlo is well-known for her
    self portraits
    The term __________ can be applied to Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty
    land art

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    ART Pop Quizzes Essay. (2017, Nov 16). Retrieved from

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