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    Interior Design Personal Statement

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    As my interests have developed over the course of my Art A Level and my gap year, I began to realise the importance of design and the part it plays in forming the basis of all man made creation. It is intriguing the way in which designers can bring an idea to life. With just the right combination of these underlying elements of line, form, shape, texture and balance, a perfect and alluring composition can be created within a room and this is what I aspire to do. The aesthetics and composition of buildings attracted me to further explore Interior Design. A photographer who has captured the beauty of Interior Design is Douglas Friedman. I find that his work depicts the narrative of a room perfectly and engages you in the interior. I like how Friedman is able to photograph the room without it looking overbearing. His work portrays every element in the room as deliberately placed and the true attraction of a room can only be created by an Interior Designer.

    I was assigned the task of creating an 80’s arcade cabinet. Whilst working alongside my peers, I was able to develop the transferable skills of teamwork, communication and time management. These are skills I can bring to the course and future work placements. When assigned group tasks in my course, I hope to use these skills constructively. In an attempt to intertwine my study of Art and Geography, I decided to focus my Fine Art personal investigation on Urban Landscapes. I tried out different media and processes to broaden my skills, making my work experimental. I pushed my comfort zone by using media I wouldn’t normally use and trying out different drawing styles. I have a preference for drawing using dry materials but in this investigation I used paint and ink as well as tried out different printing methods. After a successful application to a Summer school at the London Metropolitan University, I discovered the value of one point and two point perspective. I understand the key role perspective plays in planning the interior of a room or building. I was given the opportunity to paint a mural in the Children’s ward in Northwick Park Hospital. In this way I was able to give back to the community as well as develop my design skills. A project at this scale has boosted my confidence in designing and I believe I can carry this onto future projects.

    I am currently taking a gap year. Time for myself which has not been going to waste as I have achieved my Driving License. Whilst working in an Arabic School, I have developed not only my leadership skills, but also further developed my design skills, through my creation of a termly newsletter. I enjoyed the ability to be creative whilst meeting the requirements of the institute. My awe of Interior Design was further deepened by my visit to Turkey, during my gap year. I was able to appreciate the stunning interior of places like Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sophia – places filled with authentic and rustic Islamic designs. By visiting these places, I have gained inspiration and ideas on different interiors. I have learnt that it is important to narrow a theme down for the room, in order to create a sense of order and unity. It is my wish to travel to more places so I can take in contrasting cultures and aesthetics. By fulfilling this wish I will be able to create Interior designs which are personal and genuine.

    Pursuing a career in Interior Design which will never fail to excite me is my ambition. By enrolling in this course, I will be given the opportunity to expand my creative skills and be able to always satisfy the needs of a client. Interior design is what brings a room to life and I would like to be a part of that process. I will be able to achieve this by studying this course. The population is increasingly growing, the creation of houses is growing and I hope to fall into the place of creating the Interior Design of these homes.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Interior Design Personal Statement. (2022, Jun 07). Retrieved from

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