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    Impressionism | Painting Styles Essay

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    Two of the famous artists of this period are Sir Lawrence Alma-Edema ND Nicolai Billiard, What brought about neo classical art is the discovery of ancient Italian artifacts at a ruin in the region of Pompeii. A German art historian by the name of Johanna J. Winemaker had a great deal of influence on the neoclassical art. Romanticism came around after neoclassical art. Romanticism came about in the 18th century and is intellectual, artistic, and literary. Romanticism gained strength in the revolutionary period.

    Mostly artists practice tit a mix of both art styles in their portfolio, Academic art comes from the French academy (academies). This type of art had an influence in Paris salons in the 19th century, The meaning is meant to apply to all the art influenced by European academies. Impressionism came from movement in paintings. These paintings are characterized by objects looking like they are moving& This type of painting is sometimes called optical realism (impressionism). Impressionism derived from an artist who took on the name that a critic had called him.

    This painting was done by Claude Monet which received bad reviews. The focal point Of this painting is to draw the eye to the light and darkness in the paintings. A good impressionist could have their visual sensations of nature to draw the eye. Impressionist was not treated like Other painters. Impressionists artists were ridiculed because of the way there paintings were done. Having paintings that looked like they were not put together right had exceptional impact. Impressionist had paintings that were of everyday things.

    The types of paintings that they created were of the scenery and the people around them. Abstract expressionism occurs when the artist did a painting extremely fast. This was done to show emotion in the painting (abstract expressionism). This method was used using large paint brushes. The painting Emperor Napoleon by Napoleon Bonaparte has bold colors which catches the observers eye. The painting The Luncheon of the Boating party by Pierre-Augusta Renoir shows the viewer the scene as it they were on the boat.

    The painting is tooth individuals during that period. The painting makes the viewer want to know more about what is going on at the boating party. The painting autumn rhythm by Jackson Pollock is made up of black paint. This painting is considered to be a drip painting. This type of painting is done on canvas. The painting is named drip painting because of its colors. In all, the stated paintings represented who each artist was and how they thought. These artists ever unique for their time and stood out for their exceptional art pieces.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Impressionism | Painting Styles Essay. (2018, Jun 09). Retrieved from

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