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    One of the following was NOT essential to the medieval synthesis: Germanic Culture, Christian Culture, Roman Culture, Chinese Culture.
    Chinese Culture
    The Bayeux Tapestry famously recorded this landmark event?
    Battle of Hastings
    The Carolingian renaissance depended greatly on this
    Benedictine monasteries
    Another name for an un-free rural laborer in the middle ages
    Medieval serf
    Medieval Feudalism in Europe involved the exchange of this for military service
    This began as an effort to recue Jerusalem from the Muslims, were commonly fought by the younger sons of feudal nobility and was an economic boon to Italian merchants
    Christian Crusades
    This tradition shaped the modern concepts of gender
    Courtly love
    The largest collection of Old English Literature including the Anglo Saxon riddles is called this
    Exeter Book
    The “Dream of the Road” is inscribed in fragments on this piece of art
    Ruthwell Cross
    Romulus and Remus, Adoration of the Magi, and Wayland Smith from Norse mythology are all carved onto this place of Anglo-Saxon art
    Franks Casket
    Of the following peoples this one had the LEAST direct influence on the development of roman Cultures Greeks, Latins, Hittites, and Etruscans
    These were the powerful landowners in Ancient Rome
    This is Rome’s most famous satirist
    Troy is the native land of the hero of Virgil’s epic entitled this
    This is a building material which made large-scale architectural constructions cheaper to build for the Romans
    A series of arches placed back to back and produces this
    Barrel Vault
    The immediate consequence of this event was a struggle for power between his first lieutenant and his adopted son
    Assassination of Julius Caesar
    This type of painting technique used by the Romans tricked the eye into perceiving depth on a flat surface
    trompe l’oeil
    These were typically more realistic than the Greek counterparts
    Roman portraits or sculptures
    There is little surviving evidence with which to judge Rome’s accomplishments in this mosaic
    A Jewish service is led by a
    This is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible
    This is the birth place of Mohammad
    This is the obligatory Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca
    Islamic prayer is led by a(n)
    The “heroic age” refers to the era that produced this
    Greek Epics
    The word “Hellenic” means this
    This describes the what in Ancient Greece believed to be eternal, anthropomorphic figures, thought to be intervene in the lives of humans
    The origins of Greek drama are probably found in this
    Religious celebrations
    Athens Golden Age flowered shortly after this event
    Persian Wars
    Alexander carried Hellenic culture as far east as this country
    This thinker advanced the idea that reality lay in numerical proportions
    In Golden Age Athens laws were made by these people
    Male Landowners
    The Iliad and the Odyssey feature heroes from this event in history
    Trojan Wars
    These contributions were made by whoms a treatise on ethics, the framing of the Syllogism, the classification of plants and animals
    Twice a year dramatic festivals were held here
    The Parthenon is dedicated to this god or goddess
    These are the names of the three major architectural design for Greek Columns
    Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
    Epicureanism, Stoicism, and Cynicism are schools of thought developed during this age
    Hellenistic age
    He is the blind author of the Iliad and the Odyssey

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Humanities. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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