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    History of Fashion Midterm: Italian Renaissance

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    What is a houppelande?
    outer garment, with a long, full body and flaring sleeves, that was worn by both men and women
    What is a camica?
    a smock
    What is a doublet?
    a mans snug-fitting buttoned jacket
    What is a hose?
    -any of various styles of men’s clothing for the legs and lower body
    -can be separate legs or stitched together
    -tied with laces at the doublet
    What were the jackets like?
    -worn over doublet
    -hanging sleeves were common
    What was used for decoration and movement in jackets and doublets?
    slashing and puffs
    What is a codpiece?
    a pouch for the penis
    What did the dresses look like?
    cinched houppelande
    How many layers of dress?
    2. outer dress and underdress
    What did the underdress consist of?
    a bodice with an attached skirt
    What were worn for outerwear
    mantles and capes
    Was hair visible?
    yes, with a small veil or caul
    What is a Ferroniere?
    a band of metal or pears worn across the forehead
    Headdresses can look like what?
    turbans or beehives
    What kind of shoes were worn?
    What are choppiness?
    platformed shoes

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    History of Fashion Midterm: Italian Renaissance. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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