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    American History Chapter 17

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    return to life as it was before the war
    Warren G. Harding won the presidency by appealing to Americans’ desire to
    interfered with businesses and industry as little as possible
    Coolidge believed part of his job as president was to make sure the government
    dividing operations into simple tasks
    Henry Ford’s system for making cars increased efficiency by
    a presidential election
    Commercial radio began its rise in November 1920, with news about
    buy American crop surpluses and sell them abroad
    The McNary-Haugen Bill called for the government to
    they were Italian immigrants and anarchists
    Many people viewed Sacco and Vanzetti with suspicion because
    hiring professional promoters
    In the early 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan added to its membership by
    personal freedom
    The new morality of the 1920s glorified
    teaching evolution
    John T. Scopes was put on trial for
    Harlem Renaissance
    The flowering of African American arts in the 1920s became known as the
    group of Harding’s friends
    The Ohio Gang was a
    allowing private interests to lease lands containing US Navy oil reserves
    In the Teapot Dome scandal, Albert B. Fall received bribes for
    began to support the airline industry
    After entrepreneurs such as Glenn Curtiss started building practical aircraft, the federal government
    farmers could no longer sell their crops to overseas markets
    An unintended effect of the Fordney-McCumber Act was that
    avoiding involvement in world affairs
    After World War I, most Americans wanted to avoid future wars by
    enforce prohibition
    The purpose of the Volstead Act was to
    “talking” motion picture
    The golden age of Hollywood began in 1927 with the release of the first
    Harlem nightspot where many African American entertainers got their start
    The Cotton Club was a
    anti-lynching legislation
    The NAACP’s lobbying efforts influenced the House of Representatives to pass, in 1922,
    defeat of an allegedly racist judge nominated for the Supreme Court
    One of the NAACP’s greatest political triumphs occurred in 1930 with the
    promote black pride and unity
    The Universal Negro Improvement Association was formed to
    Warren G. Harding died in office
    Calvin Coolidge became president when
    immunity to wealthy businessmen accused of insider trading
    Attorney General Harry Daugherty resigned in disgrace after being investigated for taking bribes in exchange for allowing
    set requirements workers had to meet
    The purpose of Henry Ford’s Sociological Department was to
    welfare capitalism
    Unions declined during the 1920s because many corporations instituted
    an annual 2-week paid vacation
    An innovation instituted by International Harvester in 1926 was
    lowering the cost per car
    Henry Ford’s business philosophy was to increase sales by
    The National Origins Act of 1924 made limits on immigration based on a _____ system permanent.
    Stylish, unconventional American women of the 1920s who dressed in attire considered too revealing by previous generations were called _____.
    The _____ trial tested a state law that banned the teaching of evolution.
    During prohibition, people flocked to secret bars called _____, where they could purchase alcohol.
    mass media
    Radios, movies, newspapers, and magazines aimed at a broad, popular audience were all examples of _____.
    Great Migration
    The movement of hundreds of thousands of African Americans from the rural South to industrial cities in the North was called the _____.
    _____ was a style of music influenced by Dixieland music and ragtime.
    Many consumers in the 1920s began to feel confident that they could buy and pay later, so many bought everything from radios to cars on the _____ plan.
    Technological advances enabled farmers to produce more in the 1920s, but higher yields without a corresponding increase in _____ meant that farmers received lower prices.
    Supporters of _____ wanted the United States to stay out of entanglements with Europe.
    Langston Hughes
    writer who became a leading voice of the African American experience in the United States
    welfare capitalism
    a system in which companies allowed workers profit sharing, medical care benefits, and pensions
    Marcus Garvey
    leader of the “back to Africa” movement
    Charles Lindbergh
    pilot of the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight
    composer, pianist, and bandleader whose sound was a blend of improvisation and orchestration
    payments Germany was required to make as punishment for starting the war
    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    attempted to outlaw war
    Five-Party Naval Limitation Treaty
    agreement to halt production on warships
    assembly line
    enormously increased manufacturing efficiency
    Bessie Smith
    singer who seemed to symbolize soul
    artistic and unconventional lifestyle in the 1920s
    mass media
    helped spread the new ideas and attitudes of the 1920s
    Orville Wright
    made the first crewed, powered flight in history
    Great Migration
    created powerful African American voting blocs in Northern cities
    police powers
    a government’s right to control people and property in the interest of public safety, health, welfare, and morals
    Herbert Hoover
    established the Bureau of Aviation
    illegal production and distribution of liquor
    the managerial revolution
    increased the ranks of the growing middle class
    human beings developed from lower forms of life
    Henry Ford
    increased workers’ wages in 1914 to $5 per day
    “Tin Lizzie”
    Henry Ford’s Model T car
    Oscar DePriest
    first African American representative elected to Congress from a Northern state
    supply-side economics
    growth through lower taxes
    gangster in Chicago during prohibition

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    American History Chapter 17. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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