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    The Renaissance Period

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    Renaissance Movement
    The _____ was the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe
    The Renaissance Movement began in ____ and marked the transition from medieval England to the modern England.
    Latin; the act of being reborn
    what does the word renaissance mean and where does it come from
    Greek and Roman cultures
    The Renaissance represent a rebirth of the interest in _____ and _____ ______.
    What is the Renaissance period
    the 95 theses bought about by Martin Luther brought about the ______.
    Catherine of Aragon
    King Henry VIII wanted to divorce _____.
    Anglican Church (the Church of England)
    Henry VII started the _____ (church)
    Elizabeth I
    _____ restored order to England.
    100 free grammar schools
    Elizabeth established ______.
    grew in power
    Because of the school Elizabeth I establish, what happened to the middle class?
    Sir Francis Drake The Golden Hind
    _____ took treasure from the Spanish and was knighted onboard his ship called ______.
    Golden Age of English Drama
    The Elizabethan period was the ______
    William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson
    Who were the 3 famous playwrights of the Golden Age time?
    pickpockets and other criminal
    Because of the public theaters attracted large audiences from all levels of society, _____ were drawn there.
    _____ eventually forced the closing of the theaters at the end of the Renaissance
    King James I of Scotland
    Elizabeth’s successor was ______.
    Under King James I, the Renaissance period _____
    Guy Fawkes
    _____ conceived the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the Parliament Building
    What did Guy Fawkes try to blow up Parliament with
    November 5
    What day is Guy Fawkes Day in England
    fireworks and bonfires
    Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated with ____ and ____.
    Shakespeare lived from _____ – _____.
    Globe Theater
    the _____ in London was the theater where Shakespeare’s plays were performed
    The Kings Men
    Shakespeare’s acting company was called ______.
    During the reign of King James I, Shakespeare’s _____ were written
    The play Macbeth was written in _____
    The play ____ was written in 1606
    ____ was the most significant intellectual movement of the Renaissance
    painter, architect, poet
    Michelangelo was a ____, a _____, and a ____
    Michelangelo most famous sculpture is _____.
    Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the _____ in the Vatican
    Leonardo da Vinci
    painted two of the most famous works of the Renaissance The Last Supper and Mona Lisa
    The Last Supper and Mona Lisa
    Name the two most famous works of the Renaissance
    Christian Humanism
    ____ is the term which applied to humanistic methods to the study of Christianity
    Erasus and St. Thomas More
    _____ were two famous Christian humanists
    St. Thomas More wrote ____ in 1516.
    describes a perfect society
    St. Thomas More was beheaded for _____
    rejecting Henry VIII divorce
    Why was St. Thomas More beheaded?
    bible, letters of St. Paul, works of St. Augustine
    Christian Humanist text included _____, ____, and ______
    Christopher Columbus
    a well known explorer of the Renaissance was ______.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    Dutch monk who traveled throughout Europe; taught Greek
    Johannes Guteberg
    The Printing Press was invented by_____
    William Caxton
    The Press was set up in England by _____.
    How many wives did Henry VIII have?
    Royal Navy
    Henry VIII created what?
    Edward VI, Mary Tudor, Elizabeth I
    who were the heirs of Henry VIII
    James I, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell
    who were the heirs of Elizabeth I
    James I
    benevolent but uninspiring ruler
    Charles I
    beheaded by powerful subjects
    Oliver Cromwell
    ruled for 11 years, a puritan dictator
    the year of the Spanish Armada

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    The Renaissance Period. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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