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    Harlem Renaissance Questions

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    What are the three other names for the Harlem Renaissance?
    New Negro Movement
    New Negro Renaissance
    Negro Renaissance
    What was significant about the H.R.?
    Marked the first time that Main Stream publishers & critics took African American literature seriously.
    What are the four factors that laid the groundwork for the movement?
    1) A black middle class
    2) Great Migration
    3) Cultural center for blacks
    4) African american community
    What was the Great Migration?
    100’s of black Americans moved from economically depressed rural South to industrial cities of the North to take advantage of employment.
    What two factors contributed to the development of a black middle class?
    1) NAACP
    2) Harlem
    Who was W.E.B. Du Bois?
    Historian and sociologist
    What were the two organizations that were created in the early 1900’s to help African Americans?
    1) NAACP
    2) Urban League
    Who was the first black poet to receive national recognition?
    Paul Dunbar
    What three works signaled the new creative energy in African American literature?
    1) Harlem Shadows
    2) Cain
    3) There is confusion
    What was the name of the literary magazine that helped launch the Harlem R.
    What are three ways that magazines such as CRISIS and OPPORTUNITY promoted African American literature?
    1) many writers
    2) the stories
    3) the people
    What was a major accomplishment of the Renaissance?
    Getting people to not be as racist.
    What are four factors that contributed to the decline of the movement?
    1) Great Depression
    2) NAACP League
    3) writers
    4) riots
    Who were three important writers during the Renaissance?
    1) Dunbar
    2) Langston Hughes
    3) Zora Neil
    What did the Harlem Renaissance prove?
    people are strong.

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    Harlem Renaissance Questions. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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