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    Art As Liberty Of Life Essay (770 words)

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    Art is an expression of life, which means it expresses emotions. Creation that allows for interpretation of any kind is art. I have read that art is a human skill as opposed to nature, a skill applied to music, painting, poetry etc… I believe that nature is art as well. If something is made a certain way, it is beautiful in its own right. In my opinion, I believe there is a God who is an artist that created everything. Interpreting art depends on a person experiences, their visionary thoughts, culture, and associations.

    Art is like love; there can be so many definitions and examples for each. Therefore, I believe art is not perfection; art is something that continues to develop as it is seen, meaning to open all human capacities, thoughts and emotions. Art is a creation that represents liberty to whatever the viewer wants art to be, either the person who created it or the person who is viewing art. Art is to enable those experiences to be intelligible and recognized within the thoughts and emotions of the world.

    An example that was brought up in class was a picture of a dot on a canvas. What was the artist thinking when he created this? A fellow classmate asked, “How do we know that the artist was not genuinely conveying a feeling or an emotion on the canvas? ” I really cannot say what the artist’s message was for me, but I felt that he wanted to have the viewer relate themselves to the art. The person looking at the picture would have to find a meaning for themselves. Is that art?

    I would have to say yes, because the work posed a question and the artist gives me a feeling of wonder, can I associate myself to this dot, thinking of what I can associate with a dot on canvas. Can that particular artwork be random? It poses the question, is randomness art? Yes, because that dot makes the person think and question. Art can also have intentions, which suggests that the artist might intend to make the person think, associate themselves with the dot. The viewer may feel that the dot is just a dot, that it has no meaning to them.

    The point is, it made them think, and art makes you think. Someone else may think otherwise and associate the dot to themselves being alone and lost. It is their interpretation. They find a meaning and/or association for themselves. As I mentioned earlier, love is like art, art is like love, so love may be a consideration of art. Art and love both involve emotions. Some art, such as paintings, can affect people in certain ways. A painting that I can relate to or associate to is Gustav Kilmt’s, “The Kiss”.

    It is a painting of a man holding and kissing a woman so passionately. His emotion displays a feeling of love, like the beginning of a new relationship. As if they are in a world of their own and no one can tear them apart. That particular painting reminds me of what love, passion, and a kiss should be like. Most the time, the beginning of a new relationship can bring out the best feelings someone could ever have; it’s as if a couple are in a bubble and nothing in the world matters when they are together.

    People know when they feel so much for someone, and if they forget, art can remind them. The love can also be an art, an art work in progress. It is as if two artists are getting to together and are working on their creation, being that their love is art. Feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger, and enlightenment, are all put into that creation of art relationship. Love is an art, and it takes work, just like an artist who works on his/her paintings. Opinions of art vary for me. It is an expression that can be interpreted in many ways.

    It all depends on what the person wants to associate to the art. It may be a clichA© to think that, “art is in the eyes of the beholder,” but I believe it’s true. I am going to view something with whatever I want to view it as. Someone will view it with their own views and whatever the outcome turns out to be, we were looking at something that made us think and feel. Yet there would be no exact definition of art. It was a creation by somebody or something and it’s there to be viewed in any way possible.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Art As Liberty Of Life Essay (770 words). (2018, May 09). Retrieved from

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