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    Examples Art and Painting Essay

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    Numerous shades Of brown yellow prevail in it, especially, in its upper lower central right-hand left-hand part. The artist depicts a busy street of a modern city. A group forsake paving a roadway. A girl milking a cow. Several peasants walking along a dusty road. A number Of small houses surrounded by tall trees. A forest in autumn. A stormy sea. The picture vividly (realistically) portrays the enthusiasm of workers. The hard life of the unemployed. The enjoyment of winter. The heroism of soldiers, the hard lot of poor farmers. The beauty of flowers, the conflict of wind and man. The artist employs the a (an) unusual unbalanced strange unconventional trivial come sections arrangement of objects to emphasize the man’s attitude (pose). He perspective of the street, the height tot the structure. By using this technique he manages to achieve vivid wonderful marvelous splendid natural atmospheric color moonlight sunshine light and shade effects. Paints draws depicts portrays rep nuts the details of the scenery the household articles the people?s garments the movement of water every fold Of the table cloth with great expression. Tremendous skill. Great feeling. Topographical precision. Convincing truth. Great inspiration. Are and precision. Very vividly. Thoroughly. Colorful. Authentically. This painting, entitled “Storm” “Confession” “Hayrick” belongs to the artists early best latest weakest most famous work. The Pushpin Museum of Fine Arts – the Hermitage – the Russian Museum – the Tate Gallery – this exhibition – the Trajectory Gallery you will find a rich valuable marvelous collection (and) historical battle mural genre easel sea-escape still-life portrait painting of the 1 6th 17th 18th 19th 20th cent-our. Ill. Memorize these short dialogues: Look here, Kate: the newspaper reads an exhibition of Dutch painting is to open t the Pushpin Museum Of Fine Arts at the end Of this month. That’s interesting, though saw almost everything by the Dutch classic painters that is generally displayed in the galleries of our country. But about 90 canvases will be brought from Holland and Belgium, as the promoters say. Oh, is that so? That makes difference.

    Show me the announcement, please. I’d like to read it myself. 2 Oh, think this is a genuine Rembrandt! It’s next to impossible. The original belongs to the private collection of some British connoisseur, so they Gang exhibit only a copy here. Still, bet it’s a Rembrandt. However tine a copy may be, it cannot be compared with the great master’s own work, Well, let’s consult the catalogue after all Page 89 “Rembrandt, genuine See? I’m right! Yes, Sally, I’m surprised at you having such a profound knowledge of art 3 Well, how do you like this painting? Immensely. It’s really beyond any criticism, But there is one thing that perhaps don’t like about it. What is it?

    It seems to me that the perspective is done varyingly The objects in the left middle ground are of the same size as the ones in the distance. Don’t you see this mistake? NO, I don’t. That’s an optical illusions, guess. You’re standing too lose to the picture. If you stood at least at seven yards away, you wouldn’t notice that. Yes, but then they would have to remove the opposite wall 4 How do you find his new landscape paintings? Mediocre, one wouldn’t dub them thinness. Don’t care much for them either. Think something is going wrong with his brilliant technique and rich palette. Well, you might talk to him about it. You seem to be on friendly terms, don’t you? Yes, we do, but my criticism will do more harm than good. He’s become very nervous and obstinate.

    Besides, artists seldom hear anybody else but themselves, It I were you, I’d make these lines more distinct, George. But you ignore the fact that it’s not a drawing, it’s painting, Colors and shades may pass into one another inconspicuously, gradually. Nevertheless the mesh tot this woman’s arms should be distinguished from the background, but it melts into it. Add a couple of strokes and the picture shall be the focus of the exhibition. Most likely. Speaking of sea-escapes ? how do you find this one? Wonderful! Though think that the boat’s rolling is depicted too realistically. ‘Too realistically’ you say? But that is undoubtedly the strongest point of the canvas! You can never tell.

    It resembles high seas so much that I feel seasick each time I kook at it 7 What are these nails, rags and an old tree for? They are part of the picture. Goodness gracious! What on earth does all that mean? “Sorrow’ as the caption indicates. For the life Of me ? would never guess What it is! IV- Make up statements. This exhibition display show comprises hundreds of pictures. Paintings of all genres. Objects of applied art. Engravings and prints, cartoons and etchings. Pieces of sculpture. Articles of pottery and jewelry. Sketches and studies. NOW he goes in for indulges in portrait painting. Sculpture, water-color painting . Graphic art.

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    Examples Art and Painting Essay. (2018, Jun 02). Retrieved from

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