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    APAH Chapter 19 Early Renaissance Art Vocabulary

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    work of art, which possesses a symbolic meaning in addition to a literal interpretation
    a painted or sculpted panel set on an altar of a church
    the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel Gabriel to Mary
    the use of dramatic contrasts of dark and light to produce modeling
    organizations constituting of laypersons who dedicated themselves to strict religious observance
    franciscan order
    monastic order that influenced art through its stress on nature and the primacy of personal experience
    not religious, placing focus on the study and progress of human nature and the center of interests.
    international gothic style
    a style of 14th and 15th century painting, begun by Simone Martini. This style is characterized by elegant and intricate interpretations of naturalistic subjects, and minute detailing and patterning in drapery and color, catering to an aristocrastic taste
    a painting of Mary as enthroned Queen of heaven surrounded by angels and saints
    Maniera greca (Italo-Byzantine)
    Italian for ‘Greek Manner’. A style of painting based on Byzantine models that was popular in Italy in the 12th and 13th centuries. Style of art which began to explore a classical/naturalistic way of depicting but still retained Byzantine factors. A style of art which began to explore a classical/ naturalistic way of depicting but still retained byzantine factors
    the base of an altarpiece that is filled with small paintings, often narrative scenes
    a type of paint employing egg yolk as the binding medium that is noted for its quick drying rate and flat opaque colors
    the 1300s, or 14th century, in Italian art

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    APAH Chapter 19 Early Renaissance Art Vocabulary. (2017, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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