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    Analysis of Surrealism Essay (347 words)

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    You will have every lesson for the next two weeks to complete this SAC. Your final piece of work is to be submitted, along with any hand-written notes you have taken, no later than Friday June 10th. PART 1: The Surrealist Movement Using the knowledge you have gained in class, as well as your own further research, discuss the historical context in which the Surrealist movement emerged and flourished. (hint. Analyses the relationship between The Surrealist Movement and the political, social and economic developments of the period.

    Examine and discuss the work (in general) of The Surrealist Movement. Describe the aims, methods and achievements of the Surrealists throughout the early twentieth century. PART 2: A surrealist Artist Choose ONE (and only ONE) Surrealist Artist and profile them. How did they and their work personally contribute to The Surrealist Movement? Consider the response to or the effect of their work at the time it was produced. What impact did this work have on the society in which it was produced?

    Are their works still significant today? Examine and discuss the work (in general) of your chosen Surrealist Artist. Describe the aims, methods and achievements of this artist throughout the early twentieth century. Identify to what extent the themes of disillusionment, loss of confidence, anxiety or a celebration of the modern or of a political belief are present in these works. PART 3: surrealist Art Choose ONE (and only ONE) piece of art (painting, sculpture etc. ) from your chosen Surrealist Artist. Into – include a copy of this piece, as well as the title, artist, materials (egg. Oil on canvas, iron sculpture etc. ) and year it was created. Give a detailed analysis of the subject of the piece of art. What statement was your chosen artist making by producing this work? How was it received by society at the time it was produced? Is it viewed differently today than what it was when it was first produced? Why/how? What impact did this work have on the society in which it was produced? Is the piece still significant today? Why/why not?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Analysis of Surrealism Essay (347 words). (2017, Aug 24). Retrieved from

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