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    A Plan on Leaving a Mark After My Graduation from The University of North Carolina Greensboro

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    Wendy Wasserstein once said “Don’t live down to expectations, go out there and do something remarkable”. The first step to the remarkable things a graduate can contribute to this world can be to move to a new location. New York will be a great place for an artist to expend his/her craft. Once settled into the new city, finding work in the art field would be my next step. One can consider a art teacher position, if they are great with kids of all ages. Someone may enjoy taking a vacation to a resort somewhere nice. One might even consider seeing to beauty of Hawaii, Moving, working in the art field, and vacationing are just a few things a graduate can plan to do after graduating from The University of North Carolina Greensboro.

    After earning a degree in studio art, one may decide to move first. I always wanted to go to the west coast and visit California. How beautiful would it be living in Los Angeles, I would live the fabulous life in Hollywood. It would also be great to live by the beach in San Francisco. Staying on the east coast and moving to New York would be my second choose. I absolutely love the fast pace city life, so I wouldn’t mind living close to Times Square in Manhattan. I love amusement parks so living in Brooklyn not far from Coney Island would be awesome. Last but not least I would reside down south in Florida. Miami is so beautiful and would be a wonderful experience. You’re never too old for Disney world so living in Orlando would be fun also. I even to all those places sound great; I would have to make a decision bases off where I could find work.

    After the big move, I would have to find some work in the Art field. Being an art teacher seems like a fun job. I would prefer work working Elementary school students; they are the best artist ever. But I will also like to work with high school students. Doing hair is second nature to me, so it is only right that I do something in cosmetology. Working as a hair stylist would be a great way to show off my artistic ability. Even getting into the hair show industry would give me a way to show off my creativity. I love tattoos so it would be awesome to get a job in a tattoo shop. Since I can draw, becoming a tattoo artist should not be hard. If I’m not the one doing the tattooing I wouldn’t mind being the receptionist. Anywhere I decide to work would be a great way to show off my creative ability.

    Once I get settled into my job and saving money, it is only right that I take some time to go on a nice vacation far away. Mexico seems like a nice getting away. Cabo San Lucas would be extremely fun. San José looks so beautiful and relaxing. Hawaii is so beautiful, any part of Hawaii would be the best vacation. I can relax on the beautiful island of Honolulu. The little island of Kahului, looks breath taken from the pictures. Lastly I would take a vacation in France. Paris of course would be a great spot for a vacation. Monaco just sounds like a beautiful place to be for a few days. I would love to take a extended vacation to any of those places.

    Don’t live down to expectations, go out and do something remarkable. I do not want to just get my degree and do nothing with it; I want to leave my mark in this world. The possibilities are endless and I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to. Moving, working in the art field and vacationing are just the beginning of the next chapter in my life. I plan on leaving my mark to be remembered.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Plan on Leaving a Mark After My Graduation from The University of North Carolina Greensboro. (2022, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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